8.8 Rating???? TOO HIGH
This series was not that bad, but it was not that great either. I've seen Romanzo Criminale and I found their actors more believable.
The bad guys in this series took a while to get their feet wet and were just not that great. The best of the bunch was Ciro and he was OK. Gennaro was a big fat joke and I thought it was so ridiculous that the mohawk was supposed to be his tough look.
And what's with the directors thinking that taking 2 inches away from someone was the way to look tough.
The series is not that bad, but it's not that great. Everytime Genny acted tough I had to stifle a laugh because I can not believe all these tough guys would actually listen to him just because his dad was their boss. There was really nothing that intimidating about him or his mother. Why not just kill them off and take over the business.
Then the African angle??? Let's see - they stabbed one African, the others retaliated. Obviously, this is not a sign that they were that scared of the Italian gangsters.
The series was rather dull and definitely not worthy of the high rating.