What happened? it looks as if the production, directing and writing values have all deteriorated. Two year wait for this. Feels like an entirely different show. So far 2/10. Shame.
For me personally, the whole colour and tone of the production is different.The grittiness that made it so authentic in the first season, just doesn't feel the same and it isn't helped by the fact that the direction feels too laboured and overwrought.The overall effect is that It just doesn't feel as tight this time around; that said, the second ep was an improvement on the first, so maybe it will pick up. I would be interested to know however if it is still the same writing team on board.
I must admit the jump from episode one to two confused me . It just jumped a year. I had a hard time understanding how genni went from a coma to being in the jungle . Are we supposed to accept that ciro and salvatore just let him leave the hospital and fly away ?
Also I swear that one guy at the meeting with all the clan lords in episode one . . The young guy with black hair and black moustache . I swear its the same guy that was in gennis crew and got gunned down in the tunnel during the last part of first season . Think the name is otrack or 8track or something
It is very normal that the tone shifts in a TV show like this when they bring in new writers, directors, etc. They have to advance the plot and introduce new things.
I haven't finsished first season and I am loving it, hope this season brings something fresh too.
No, sadly it wasn't. The first time he was made to kill an American by his captors, this time he made the Honduran army captain kill his friend and filmed it.It was a completely different event that made no sense, as there was no explanation as to how he got to the Honduran jungle from his hospital bed. The clue was the scar below his left eye.
It's writing like this that makes it brilliant though. I HATE it when we're spoon fed every detail. I'm not going to say that this is a show for "intelligent people" but if you're open enough to try a foreign show in subtitles then surely you can appreciate the writing style too?
What I like especially is that typical Italian vibe, when they can get away with silence, silent scenes long looks, moodiness etc which in US or Brit hands would simply kill a production stone dead. Got to admite the Itlians, Spanish and French have style we Anglo-Saxons can only dream of.
I really liked the first episode which was full of action but I found the second episode very dull by comparison . In a slow paced episode with only 2 of the main characters outside of Napoli I think you need those characters/actors to be decent but for me the Genny and Don pietro roles are weak links in the series. Im not sure whether its the actors or the way the characters are written but I dont really find either believable or interesting. Don Pietro and Genny just come across as weak , dull , unintelligent and not very threatening to be mafia bosses.
Just checked on the crew list, most of the original producers, editors, directors, colourists etc are now doing other things and so aren't involved in the current season. It really shows. I hate when shows do that. it's so insulting. Did they really think we wouldn't notice.
Of the eight original writers from season one ( 4 of whom were the original creators who wrote all 12 episodes) only one person is involved this season.This guy is not one of the original creator/writers, and only had one writing credit/episode in season one. This guy has now written the majority of episodes this season ( 8) and is also doing the bulk of the directing. I would say he (Stefano Sollima ) has seriously over reached himself.
It still held my attention. I was totally shocked by the happenings in episode 1 and yes episode 2 was slow, but it's clearly leading up to something further on in the season.
I also was a bit confused about episode 2 in the second season because it made no sense. Why was he in the jungle again, and ahy does he only have a little scar on the eye after getting strained that hard in the last episode of season one anyway i already said that and get laughed at, but this show is at least as good as breaking bad.The acting is very strong, and there are a lot of emotions in it.you cant predict what happens next. i am very curios what comes next
I don't get why a lot of people are confused by ep2. Both Genny and Pietro had to runaway from Naples because Ciro, Conte and the others were after them. Genny went to Honduras where he clearly still had some contacts and his father hid in Germany. They both waited a year to try a comeback because they were powerless. It's not that confusing to me. Also i think it's very early to bash a whole season after 2 episodes.