MovieChat Forums > Gomorrah (2016) Discussion > Genny & his father-in-law [spoilers]

Genny & his father-in-law [spoilers]

This part of the finale really stretched credibility!

As you saw with Genny's father-in-law, at a certain level the mafiosi essentially become corporate businessmen, albeit blood-stained ones. An they have to be able to deal with Northern Italian business crowd.

Genny looks like a street punk. He hasn't even got rid of that stupid street punk Taxi Driver haircut of his. It's been stressed several times how out of place Genny and his crew are with this kind of crowd. So it hardly makes sense to imagine that he could just take over his father-in-laws connection.

Additionally, by getting his father-in-law arrested at the wedding, he is humiliating him in front of all of his business contacts. And by the presence of the police he's bringing their attention to a kind of heat and criminality which the Councilmen etc just won't want to know about.

So, this seemed like a really unlikely and dumb move. I put it down to ridiculous and bad writing, rather than Genny's character making sense.

What are your thoughts?


the writing hasnt been 100% and kinda clumbsy at times. Genny wants to come out of his dads shadow they hammered that point so much during this whole season that it made me sick. they wanted to show Genny as a Rat Snake both screwing his dad over and his father inlaw and there were going to use any excuse they could to do it. to me i seemed as if they were writing the script after every shoot. lots of characters were written out hastily without any thought cause they didnt know what to do with them like Mulatto.

This season got rid of too many great characters for the sake of story which is fine if the story was to end here. but going forward with almost everyone dead is going to be hard.


Agreed. A character as impressive as conte, suddenly becomes gay and attracted to transexuals in the same episode that he dies, with no previous buildup or foreshadowing? The end result was an over rushed conflict that jumped with no discernible transition; a dramatic mistake that completely butchered the arc, and did a great disservice to the character and the work. As you say,the writing has been appalling and poorly thought out. Really disappointing after the immense tour de force that was the first season.Although the last two episodes were passable, overall I have not been impressed.

ok, im ready now!


I don't think he started out with the intention to stab the father-in-law in the back, but once he got wind of the scope of his business dealings, the urge was just too much. Get rid of him and he's instantly replaced all that he lost because of Ciro. I was more shocked at the drippy, pregnant wife, for just accepting that he sent her dear old dad (who she did seem very close to) off to jail without thinking twice about it.

so bollocks is bad, but dogs bollocks is good?


All I can do is co-sign every word.


by getting his father-in-law arrested at the wedding, he is humiliating him in front of all of his business contacts. And by the presence of the police he's bringing their attention to a kind of heat and criminality which the Councilmen etc just won't want to know about.

I can't believe he did that, unlikely like you say, i thought Genny was lying to Azurra and hoping she would accept what he said, wasn't he??
I'm probably wrong/confused but at the end of ep 11, when Genny found the painting send by Pietro, it meant Pietro got the father in law arrested, that was the wedding present and it pissed him off cause Pietro wanted Genny with him, to obey him and we know how Genny hates that old Genny; somehow Pietro found out about the murder i don't know... In ep 12 Genny didn't want to tell Azurra it was his father, he was being cocky, i think he looked almost hurt when she asked him if he did that to her father. That's what i thought 


I think your version is more interesting.
