This looks really bad.

I loved The Royal Tenenbuams when it first came out.

Watched it again recently. It's crap.

It doesn't look like there's anything new or creative here. The trailer is painful. I switched it off half way through.


What does The Royal Tenenbaums have to do with this movie?

I got punched in the face. What's your excuse?


Well, it's ripping off Wes Anderson's style (and even his casting choices).


Yeah, I thought the trailer looked kind of cool at first, but it slowly turned into something very zany (I mean that in the worst way). It was hard to get through and I sat in shock for a few seconds after viewing. Yikes.



Do we need ANOTHER Wes Anderson? I'm not completely satisfied with the first one.


Roman Copolla is good friends with Wes Anderson, and has cowritten stuff with him before. So it shouldnt be surprising that this looks similar.

"Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it."


True, true. The original WA has lost his novelty for me - I still like the looks, but I miss the goods.

The trailer for ...Charles Swan III has me worried, because it seems the film could well be suffering from that very problem. If so, I hope at least it will be a little more entertaining. I'm prepared to like Charlie Sheen in it, I remember he could be very funny back in the days when he starred in genuinely silly movies as opposed to ultra-predictable sitcoms. I like the idea to recycle him and his image in this way. The day when I grow tired of watching Bill Murray will hopefully never come. Jason Schwartzman on the other hand has become officially off-putting as far as I'm concerned. He's annoying me to a degree where I couldn't even enjoy Bored to Death although I wanted to. And where have I seen a guy in 70's style tennis whites before...? Or someone hit by an arrow...? On the whole I'm beginning to wonder if all of the Wes Anderson (& Sofia Coppola) & associated-usual-people camp members shouldn't begin to spend more time apart.

CQ was a very good film and I kept waiting for another Roman Coppola. After seeing this trailer, I feel disappointed and I've lowered my expectations precisely to the level of excitement a new WA film would generate. (I finally watched Moonrise Kingdom on the plane.)
