You either get it or you don't

Non-Charlie Sheen fans should stay away from this one.

But I'm a fan, saw this movie last night and loved it. I've read the negative reviews, and every single one of them missed the point of the movie. Breaking up with his girlfriend is not what the movie is about at all. This is about a man who is so out of touch with reality and so narcissistic, he feels intimidated facing the world. So he stays within the safety of his imagination to make himself feel better. And he has enough money to do it, so why not? And we the audience get the pleasure of looking inside his mind, hence the title.

Very original writing, and I've never seen Charlie do anything like this before. That's why it won me over.



I also loved the ending where, in reality, the world isn't that bad of a place when you have people who love and care for you. As someone who's had to face reality myself, I totally related to Swan. I'm used to living in my own head to avoid the pressures of life as well. The way Coppolla used it as a safety blanket and a kick in the ass at times was brilliant filmmaking.

Don't worry, years down the road, when Sheen's controversy is all but a memory, this film will get it's due.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


As someone who's had to face reality myself
You mean like anyone else?



Let's say it's a general way of saying that I've had problems that I avoided, because really, they're none of you're business and I shouldn't have to divulge them. Why you felt the need to be a snarky *beep* is beyond me.

"That's the karma again, I didn't help Kenny so she beat me up with a telephone"


Great reply...


You're associating "getting" a movie with enjoying a movie, which isn't always the case. At no point did I feel like I was confused or missing the point, I just didn't find it entertaining at all. I'm glad you did so I'm not trying to change your opinion, I just don't think you should assume that not getting it is why people disagree with you


There were aspects of this movie that I enjoyed and I actually found it to be kind of enchanting. With that said, I still objectively think it was a bad movie. There is no plot to speak of, it wasn't as funny as it could of been, and the acting wasn't great. I'm not going to pretend otherwise. It's just a bad movie that I happened to like...


Like another poster said there is a difference between understanding and enjoying the movie. I thought the movie was average and I got all of what you were saying throughout the movie but that doesn't make it a good film (for me at least). I can appreciate some scenes and aspects of the movie but overall I didn't like it a whole lot.

Film of 2013


I've never been a big Charlie Sheen fan, but I'm a big Roman Coppola fan (and, by extension, a huge Wes Anderson fan, and his style had a lot of influence on Coppola) and I did enjoy it quite a bit; but I didn't like it as much as I wanted to. It's incredibly imaginative and looks gorgeous, and I get what you say about Charlie, but it just lacked emotionally for me - I didn't care for any of the main characters, for example I didn't get any truth in the friendship between Charlie and Kirby, and those relationships between characters is a lot of what makes Wes Anderson's films great, and also Coppola's previous film CQ. Something here just didn't click. But I still had tons of fun with it and want to see it again.

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