One thing I DO like about this movie:
Is that we all feel a little better about ourselves when we see someone even worse off. For example a poor piece of trailer trash might not feel so poor if they watch some charity drive on the tv in their trailer that shows starving Ethopians with flies buzzing around their heads.
I in the past have had issues with my weight (I still do) but when I see people so morbidly obese that they are permanently stuck in their beds like beached whales and a crane has to be used to break a hole in the wall to get them out it makes me feel very thin and fin.
Well I am full of regrets in my life and full of worry, but seeing the main character at the end of this losing his mind facing either the rest of his life in prison or the gas chamber for two murders (one of them a friend) with terrorist enhancements it really made all of my regrets and fears and problems in my entire life COMBINED seem like nothing more than a minor inconvenience!