Environmentalists - my theory.
After years of dedicated research I have come to the following conclusions:
Environmentalists usually have a successful parent (or parents) and are raised in a very nice and affluent neighbourhood. They go to good schools and although they are bright it soon becomes clear that they won't reach the heights that their parents did. They face a future of ordinary jobs with a limited chance of promotion and they have to get used to moving to a cheaper area - without their parents help they will probably never be able to afford to buy a house.
Faced with this life they "decide" to drop out and became a campaigner on Global Issues - I mean doesn't it sound better saying "I'm going green to save the planet" instead of "I failed my exam dad".
They are full of anger because deep down they wanted the great job and big house - If they had a chance of making serious money then we all know that they wouldn't give a 5h1t about the environment.
Unless the characters in this film die a graphic and disgusting death, I won't be paying to watch it. Also I'm willing to guarantee that they will push the mammoth lie about Global Warming down our throats.