This is what goes wrong when officials don't do their job
The one guy who apparently never got his collar felt by the cops was the feed factory clerk. Nearly every day on the news or in the newspapers we hear of tragic accidents or terrorist acts, some of which were solely caused through the irresponsibility of others.
In this story, the clerk did not do what he was supposed to do, namely only sell the stuff on production of an ID, which Dena didn't have. He allowed himself to be persuaded by the two old farmers, who themselves had fallen victim to Dena's feminine wiles.
What was missing at the end of the movie was the cops turning up at the fertilizer place and arresting the clerk for ignoring the regulations. I reckon he should have got five years in the pokey as a lesson to others. Thousands of innocent victims are killed or severely injured every year by regulations being flouted, yet how often do we ever hear of prosecutions being mounted?