Very sad when Llewyn hit the cat with the car and just watched it stumble away into the night, probably to die. Was it supposed to be the same cat he left in Johnny Five's car with the old ailing fat guy? It looked at him so innocently...


The cat in the car DID NOT look at him "innocently." It looked at him like it was afraid to get out of the car. It wanted to get out but it wasn't sure it wanted to go by him to do it, or to go with him.

"All we ever see of stars are their old photographs." - Dr. Manhattan


> The cat in the car DID NOT look at him "innocently."

Not at all. It was a hostile, accusing look. And the tail was twitching. As though he knows what Llewyn is up to, and does not approve.


Llewyn is the cat . . . ?



"Enlightenment" often involves leaving parts of yourself behind.


I thought the cat got out of the way just in time, but the guess the mark on the bumper means he hit it?


Everywhere it is saying that Llewyn Davis hit a cat (or the cat) on the return trip, but I wasn't so sure. Albeit I have a small screen, but I thought initially it was a dog or deer. He DID hit an animal, but I think it was meant to be a fox. See this interview with the animal trainer on the film (very interesting interview):

"And when it came to choosing another animal for a hard-to-film moment in what’s perhaps the movie’s most devastating sequence, Barkan suggested her dog Finn, one of five rescues she takes care of personally. Barkan says that Ethan Coen loved the idea so much that he even filmed the behind-the-scenes action as a foxtail was attached to the Brussels Griffon."


Usually when a cat or a dog gets hit by the car, they would limp off to the side and find a place to die not far from where they were hit. Very sad.

Not sure if it was the same cat though.


Considering the body mass of a housecat and the bumper on a 1960s era auto, I doubt that any dent in the bumper would have occurred from striking a cat. Must have been a larger animal struck.

E pluribus unum
