Best movie of 2017?

Anyone else think this is the best of 2017?
Faceted characters the viewers cant help but care for, and relate to.
Intriguing new approach to near death experiences. Mixing medicine, aka hard science with ghosts, was a mind blowing blend.
Insane and unexpected jump scares. The ghost of the blonde lady poking over the dude 's shoulder when he was alone in the boat, made me have to pause for a change of underwear.
Well thought of ending that ties up all the loose ends of the movie. And last but not least, keeping Sutherland so that the movie can be advertised as a sequel instead of a remake. Extremely philosophical made me reevaluate the meaning of life

Just overall excellent shit. Both me and my girlfriend found ourselves spontaneously giving a standing ovation at the end of the movie.

edit; grammar


I assume your comments are a feeble attempt at sarcasm.


i. refuse. to. watch.
even. for. free.


How high were you when you made this post?


The movie just bugged the hell out of me having the flat liners name.

This was a millennial politically correct p.o.s
