Your Hopes.
Just like every found footage movie, some audiences love them and some hate them no matter what. I really like the Last Exorcism. It had a well fleshed out story that was full of mystery. The characters were interesting and likable and you were able to believe what was going on. This film relied heavily on its story. You believed everyone in the community was a good person until the ending gave away that these people were satanists. What I loved, was all the mystery behind the story. Unlike Paranormal Activity this film actually went a little further with the backstory than those films did. It explored the potential of evil that Nell had inside her. I like Paranormal Activity but its a different film and I don't want to compare either The Last Exorcism or Paranormal Activity to each other since they are different types of demonic-possession films.
My hopes for "The Last Exorcism 2" is that they don't *beep* it up. Sequels like everyone knows suck a majority of the time or fail to deliver on the level the first one did. A lot fail but very few sequels succeed. Im hoping this film will explore the evil in the community and continue to develop the characters and flesh out the story even further, adding to the mystery I loved in the first one. I'm not expecting much. I really want to see something different, something that isn't relied heavily on jump-scares and demonic type activity we've seen before. I'm hoping the filmmakers, make the effort to do something "different", something really dark, gritty and full of mystery. If this film sucks, I won't be suprised but my only hopes is that they actually make the effort to expand and really develop the story from the first one and not just create cheap scares the whole time.
So what are your hopes for "The Last Exorcism 2"? What do you hope to see? Did you like or dislike the first film? Your thoughts?