Why a sequel?

So I guess The Last Exorcism wasn't really the last one, was it?

They could have come up with a better title. Like, "This Time It's Actually The Last Exorcism" or "Mediocre Run-of-the-mill Exorcism Movie Part II."



did you actually watch the first movie.... it wasnt the last exorcism of all time it was the last one that reverend marcus was going to do because he was tired of being a fake so he agreed to do one more for the purpose of the "documentary" and nells was that. this is merely a continuation of nells story because obviously the demon is still in her because rev marcus didnt know how to handle and actual demon seeing as he was a fake... why does noone get this...


I get it. The thing is, with it being acceptable to change the title for sequals, and audiences able to figure out which movie is a sequal to another movie, why not simply change the title?
