Am I in the minority on this?

When I posted a long time ago on the original 'The Last Exorcism' board it seemed like I was in the minority on liking the movie. I didn't care for most of the exorcism films and didn't find them that scary, but this one was different. I really liked the fact that they played it out so it could go either, way; you weren't really sure if it was super natural or a hoax like the preacher. I think the movie deserves higher then a 5.6 or whatever its at anyway...

I just saw the trailer to part 2 and..... ugh. I want to have hope for it but it looks like they went completely super natural and it's now it's just a straight up Hollywood horror movie instead of a first person cam one. Now maybe it will be okay; I don't want to judge it before it's out. I just thought the ending to the original was perfect so I guess we'll see.


I agree with you...I loved the 1st's the only horror movie to freak me out in years other than that movie about the alien abductions in Alaska


Um, she was pregnant and gave birth to a demon's baby. Where does that leave room to think it's not supernatural?


Exactly. We're past the ambiguity at this point so it's time to get on with the real supernatural stuff.
