MovieChat Forums > The Last Exorcism Part II (2013) Discussion > Question for people who saw Part One

Question for people who saw Part One

Okay, correct me if I'm wrong, but when Cotton tells the family that the demon in Nell is a demon named "Abalam" he is making up B.S. just to try to convince the family that Nell is really possessed (even though he doesn't believe it himself.)

BUT from watching the trailer for Part Two Nell mentions that her demon WAS named Abalam! Did Cotton's completely random guess just so happen to be correct? If so, then that's pretty stupid. Hopefully I missed something from the first movie.


Wild guess, but maybe she just doesn't know the name and she just believes what Cotton said :O


He picked a demon that most fit the symptoms she had. So it wasn't a completely random guess even though he didn't believe it himself.


^ I second hfleadership. It's also implied that Cotton, coming from a long line of exorcists, may have some latent abilities to identify and exorcise demons. The cultists are genuinely concerned about his interference until they realize he's lost faith and is merely pantomiming the rites.
Cotton's familiarity with demons, via the book, his life-long profession, his family history, and any possible untapped natural talent are likely what led him to correctly identify the demon as "Abalam" despite his disbelief.



The ending of Part One makes it crystal clear that Nell was possessed and gave birth to a demon child, which was then sacrificed to Abalam. I have no doubt that a lot of the behaviour she exhibited was a result of the trauma she would have gone through as part of the Pastor's group, but it wasn't all smoke and mirrors. In fact, one of the main points of the ending it that it gives Cotton back his faith, because he discovers it's all actually true.


Well put.


See, I didn't see it that way. I saw that the cult were just psychotic worshippers that played Cotton and his crew so they could have some sacrifices for their god. I did not believe that she was really possessed. I saw only smoke and mirrors as you put it on both sides, Cotton's and theirs.

Tina Marie Ferguson


At the end of the first film, the pastor yelled "All Hail Abalam". Nell was conscious and heard that.


This movie looks cool :O i kinda dont like scary movies horror because i get scared =(!!!!!!!! creepy!
But i liked actually the season of the witch. I will watch the first then this


I believe the whole point of the first movie was Cotten's character arc....not the girl. It was his story about fall from grace and redemption, hence the ending of the first film. The point is; Cotten was right about the demon whether he believed it to be true in the 1st act of the film or not.


Diock, I agree.

So much for tears / so much for these long and wasted years


I LOVE the idea of a sequel since the first one ended the way it did. It just makes since that she would escape and they would come after her....GREAT POSSIBILITIES for a sequel.

now, while she was NOT possessed, they WERE in a satanic cult, so that's where the supernatural stuff comes in, but I DON'T like the idea of making her REALLY possessed, because that was a part of the clever twist from the first one...the discovery that she was NOT possessed, but just disturbed.

The only way this "POSSESSION" could work in this sequel is if it's all in her mind only.



I just hope they address how Nell and what looks like her father from the cast list escape from the end of the first movie, as the way it ended looked very bad for the 'good side', with the camera crew being killed and what looked like Cotton walking to his own doom. And since Cotton doesn't appear to be in this one, I suspect he is dead as well, maybe winning against the demon by making the ultimate sacrifice. But I would like to know how Nell and her father escape. I hope they officially show this.


Maybe new Cotton scenes will be in flashbacks, and if he does show up at the end or something alive, he's just uncredited. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened with a horror film and a returning character. I think Cary Elwes wasn't credited for most of the Saw films he was in.

"And in this moment, I swear we are infinite."
