Title Morons

Seriously how many threads do we need about the title? Anyone who can't figure out the title refers to the reverend in the first one, but....whatever I'm not going to explain it again. What's sad is not only are the 12 yr old IMDB posters making these endless comments/jokes, but also reviewers are.

If you really don't understand the title, then Where's Waldo is still on sale.
And if you think your being funny, your not, and 1000 people before you already made the "joke", although I'd invest in a joke book and a lobotomy.

The sequel sucks really badly, why not discuss that instead of the title.



You misunderstand, it's not that we don't get the title, we just don't care. Laugh a little you'll enjoy it I promise.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


Why did The Last Exorcism Part II cross the road?

To suck.

See? That wasn't a joke about the title. It was a suck joke. And, to a lesser extent, a discussion about the movie being a suck-fest.

Shouldn't you learn the difference between your and you're before you start calling others morons?


Oh no the dreaded your you're insult for morons who have no real argument or anything valid to say.

Its called lazy typing. (notice that I didn't use an apostrophe)





Hey at least I have to admit that your retarded post aimed at me was more entertaining that Last Exorcism Part 2, so you got that going for you besides being a ra ra retard




When a vegetable hasn't a real argument to offer, he attacks spelling, as if I care about my spelling errors as I type a quick comment, reply, theory, etc..





It's obvious you care. I love how people come to IMDB solely to start arguments and insult people for no reason.

The internet has created a new breed of LOSER.




eye no ai cann't spelt. Thankz fore pointeeng that outt.


