Watch this movie tank day by day....
Even Die Hard 25 is doing better which is just pathetic.!/Blogitaboutit
Even Die Hard 25 is doing better which is just pathetic.!/Blogitaboutit
IDK about you but if I were someone from CBS Films knowing that this movie only cost 5 million dollars to make and that it has pretty much made back it's budget in a week when it still hasn't been released outside of the US yet or DVD for that matter I would be pretty happy and positive that my company is going to make at least 10 million bucks off this movie before it even gets released on Blu-Ray/DVD/Itunes/redbox. As far as Die Hard 25 goes well It already has 223 million worldwide off of a 92 million dollar budget it cost almost 20 million less than the first one. With a February release and a R rating that is pretty damn good for Fox, expect a Die Hard 26 where they go back to the PG-13 Rating like that had in Die Hard 24 and make another 300 million plus worldwide.
shareVery good points, but consider that Last Ex part 1 made $20 million in a weekend, and the sequel is expected to be out of the top ten this weekend, its pretty sad. Sure it made money, but from monday through thurs it only made about $800,000. Thats pretty awful.!/Blogitaboutit