MovieChat Forums > The Last Exorcism Part II (2013) Discussion > It's B.O. failure is such good news....

It's B.O. failure is such good news....

The main actress is getting good reviews so her career won't be hurt by the horrible box office, but the studio listens to their bank account NOT the people, and thankfully what people are saying is, NO MORE OF THIS CRAP! uuuggg, can we just hurry up and get to the EVIL DEAD already? hopefully that will do better than expected. If we're going to get a thousand knock offs, i'd rather a thousand knock offs of something of quality. (although i'll miss making jokes about whatever the hell they would have called teh part three to this
The Second to the Last Exorcism Part 3: Cruise Control, The legend of curleys gold


Right? Now if only a Stephenie Meyer movie can tank this bad...

I wasn't born yesterday, you know - I've seen movies.


but i thought the twilight BS was behind us once and for all!!! haha, i've seen the trailers for her "THE HOST" which looks like more the same only with a healthier budget, plus they got the dude who made "GATTACA" to make it, so while i'm not saying i'm looking forward to it, i hope it wont turn out to be outwardly offensivly bad like the twilight.....uuugg...."saga"


Unfortunately, it's not a box office bomb.

The budget was only $5 million and it's almost nearly doubled that. It's a success which sucks, but there was no way it was going to flop with such a low budget

I count six shots.
I count two guns!


They probably spent just as much as that on promotion and advertisement. if not more (which i suspect, there have been trailers on every channell at every hour of the evening for the past month and a half) so MAYBE it barely breaks even. that does not mean "profit" and that spells "NO MORE SEQUELS"




Sure, but I'm glad that it didn't make the $10 - $20 million opening weekend that some of these types of movies seemed to garner in recent years. It's a tired idea that even the lowest common denominator is starting to realize (and the distributer is definitely going to notice). I'd much rather that 5 million dollar budget (as well as the millions in advertising) be spent on fresh ideas rather than "another one of these" kinda flicks.

I'm honestly surprised that it took so long for these kind of flicks to not appear like such easy millions in the pocket. I think "The Devil Inside" was the moment that most people started to say "no more".


I find it funny that the OP is wishing for the demise of original horror while praising a remake, it's usually the other way around. I know this is a sequel, but it was a sequel to a popular original movie. And here's an idea, if the sequel bothers you so much, don't go to see it. Does your life become so much better rooting for the failure of a movie you had nothing to do with?


OP sorry to tell ya but this film was a success considering that the last one did 67+ million worldwide if this movie even does a quarter of that (which it will) it will be a success it has just about made its production budget back in the first week alone. By the end of the weekend it will be in the teens. It also is yet to be released overseas where the first one did 26 million the first time around (this one will do at least half of that) so they are looking to profit at least 15 million before the DVD release. So please don't come back all upset if a third film comes out which is highly probably considering how cheap it is to make these films. Look at Saw and how they kept cranking out movies after saw 4 had a major decline in the amount of cash it brought in, or Final Destination, or Scream, or Texas Chainsaw, Paranormal Activity (talking about how 2 and 4 dropped off profit wise but still got sequels) etc, etc. If you could flip 5-10 million dollars into a surefire 20 million dollars wouldn't you do it? Yes this series isn't as big as the others I mentioned but considering that CBS Films doesn't have a franchise title that can continually crank out sequels well it's safe to say we haven't seen The very Last Exorcism yet...


I honestly don't see why so many horror fans seem to despise sequels so much. Every single time a sequel is even announced, message boards are flooded with "Do we really need another one of these? What's the point of making a sequel to this? Why does Hollywood make so many sequels?....." It gets tiring after a while. If I don't think I'd like a sequel to a certain movie, I don't watch the sequel. It's that simple. Just because there are more movies, people act as if they have to watch them. You don't have to watch every single movie made, you know.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


Yeah, horror fans are quite vociferous about sequels and remakes in general. The trouble is it's difficult to come up with an original idea for a horror movie these days. That is why so many sequels and remakes are churned out. There are only so many ways to tell an old story.

Also, supernatural horror movies are really popular again especially with teens. So for a studio it is an easy way to make money.


Maybe because when you make a movie called The Last Exorcism a sequel should never even be considered.


It wasn't supposed to be the last exorcism in the history of the world. The title of the original was just referring to that particular Reverend's last exorcism. As for the title of this one, it is called The Last Exorcism PART 2, so it could technically be considered the second half of the final exorcism.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.
