Mother*ucker,baztard, azzhole director.......
i really don't know who is this pathetic and idiot director who is making this kind of such a good topic films and ruining them so that people start hating this topic.
it was such a *beep* film.
look back, "the exorcist" "the exorcism of emily rose" and such other films,were made so seriously and with dedication to the topic.but this one,i am sorry to say but yes this has indeed ruined the beauty of this topic and made me feel miserable that the people of 21st century with their less knowledge about this topic and "thoughts of crashing world trade center" kind of things are being input in this film.
i am sorry to say but Mr.Director please consult some psychiatrist and make some other topic films,and leave the F out of this topic.go make multiple personality syndrome films,whom already so many people are making but atleast they give some sense into it.