The end (spoilers)

In the beginning the guy gives her a crucifix and says make a decision and then she later puts it on.So to try and rid herself of this demonic force she goes to a voodoo cult ??

It's believe by Christians which seemed to embrace that Jesus or God whatever is the top dog,the only one who can put up a fight against a demonic entity.Not another occult group.Eli roth is still the top dogg when it comes to horror movies these days.

Eduardo sanchez is up there too.Anyone wanna see a great horror movie im talking ten see (VHS) the first one.The second one is just that same old zombie crap.Im so sick of zombies.Its just boring see a dead person walking around.Big whoop,its hella corny dogg..


I think Nell was desperate enough to try anything; when Cecile approaches her, she is open and willing to try anything to save herself. I think they were probably the most amateur voodoo/occult exorcism team in history. It was so poorly executed. They gave up so quickly and just thought: oh well, let's just kill her. LOL

Anyway, I will take 100 of the worst Walking Dead movies to one Eli Roth torture porn piece of garbage. As for V/H/S, there was one decent story in that piece of dreck. The point of movies is to make you feel something; whatever that may be. We all have an opinion and a right to like whatever we want (or hate); therefore, you have a right to your likes and dislikes. However, thinking zombies are stale when a movie like V/H/S is full of stale rip-offs of practically every genre with $1.98 effects, well, I have to wonder. If you really think about it, the last story in that movie is a mix of PA series and the end of Last Exorcism 2.

Screws fall out all the time; the world's an imperfect place.
