Cute but

I am really not a fan of romcom but I liked that one. The only problem I see is that we don't really feel how the relation between Greg and Megan begins or evolves. It came out of nowhere-which given their respective situation is kind of unbelievable. Same thing with Greg and Annika; we have no feelings what their life was like before Megan arrives. I think the film spends way too much time on Megan's "previous" life, and not enough on the situation with Greg and Annika, that is the most interesting part of the film. In the end she chose to live with an older guy and be stepmother to a teenager, it is a big step from her previous life, far from the eternal teen she is supposed to be, but it is not really explored.


The only problem I see is that we don't really feel how the relation between Greg and Megan begins or evolves. It came out of nowhere-which given their respective situation is kind of unbelievable.

It's said in the movie that Craig is lonely. Megan is a mess. Which is why she's there in the first place. Two vulnerable people, add some alcohol, and that's where it came from.




"Shake your hair girl with your ponytail"


and it was supposed to be a happy ending, but damn did she screw over her fiance. he was left out in the cold in several ways.
and lol that she fell in love with the dad that quickly.
didnt like the film
kinda nifty hearing keira speak with an american accent though


She spent a whole week there, so presumably got to know him a little. And pent-up passion, and him being super lonely... She is pretty, as well.
