The Buddha

I have just started watching this movie and it has been 7minutes and there's a scene about the Buddha and his nipples. If I'm not wrong that was a laughing Buddha statue and it is not what the Buddhists worship. They worship Gautama Buddha. He's a totally different man altogether. Why are they debating on whether twisting his nipples was disrespectful to Buddhism or not. It's not the same Buddha.

I have heard some real good things about this film and I really want to like it but this kind ignorance is depressing. I hope something good will happen and I'll be proved wrong.

Excuse my English, not my native tongue


Well, look at it this way - maybe it's ignorance on Allison's part. She came off as really pretentious to me in that scene anyway. Like Megan said, it's not like she's Buddhist, so it was just a huge overreaction on her part, with a bit of hypocrisy thrown in.

I make it a rule not to talk to ghosts when I'm sober.


The whole film was borderline pretentious. And Allison was definitely annoying. But in that scene particularly I thought they were both very annoying. The Laughing Buddha is also respected by many if not worshiped. It is considered a lucky charm by many people, I think particularly in the South and South-East Asian countries, and is a feng shui item. Even I have a couple of laughing buddhas in my house and I'd hate it if someone comes and twists their nipples. And I am not a Buddhist. I don't think it is either Megan or Allison who's ignorant and annoying in the film but it is the fault of the film makers'. They should have been more careful. Or may be they were trying to portray the pretentiousness of the people around them, like people decorate their homes with things they know nothing about and their guests disrespect the same things knowing nothing about them.

Excuse my English, it's not my native tongue.


Also pretentious to say

Excuse my English, it's not my native tongue.

and then write an essay on an academic level without one error.


I've heard of grammar Nazis, but this is the first time I've seen someone ripped for having perfect grammar. At least the Nazis cared about quality, so maybe that make you a grammar Tea Partier? You're certainly unique.


Ripped? I called her pretentious for being pretentious. It had nothing to do with her grammar.
Comparing anyone to nazis is pretty low though.


I think the point was to show Keira was immature but also how judgmental the friend was. She was offended only because she felt like she should have been. Notice how when Keira jokingly asks if she's Buddhist, her first reaction is almost disgust. So clearly neither of them are educated on the subject at all.


Your observation is actually completely consistent with the scene.

The whole point of the scene is to indicate that her friends are inappropriately uptight, and she's amusing and light-hearted. Whether the scene does a great job of that is debatable, but the fact the friend doesn't know what she's talking about makes the scene work better.
