This is one of those stories that hinges on a particular event occurring that makes the rest of the story possible. If Megan had not caught her dad, freaked out about it, she would not have been at that store at that time to meet Annika and her friends. Thus she would not have met Annika's dad!
..*.. TxMike ..*.. Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.
The broader point that random things influence our lives to a much greater extent than we usually realize.
For example, in my own life, if Ronald Reagan had not been elected governor of California in the 1960s then my life would have turned out totally different. And I am from Louisiana!
So in this fictional movie, if Megan's dad had not cheated her life would likely have gone in a much different direction.
..*.. TxMike ..*.. Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.
Well, you can take that alternate reality butterfly-effect stuff a little too far. You could also argue that if Columbus hadn't discovered America then none of us would be here, so maybe Megan should thank Christopher C. for her new relationship.
They lived in the same town so they might have met later, or she'd have met someone better, or gotten hit by lightning. What does it matter what random things lead to? Random stuff happens constantly. What matters is what you make of it, and Megan didn't do much of anything except mentor a girl to steal the last dance with her crush from some other poor girl who's now going to need some mentoring of her own.