MovieChat Forums > Hit Man (2024) Discussion > Are you KIDDING me with this?!?

Are you KIDDING me with this?!?

Here's the surprise twist at the end: You were watching nothing more than a vapid romantic comedy all along.

Wow, I was quite disappointed considering all the stellar reviews and both the extremely high audience and critical rating on Rotten Tomatoes. This movie was completely implausible from start to the eye-rolling finish, when you finally realize you were watching a vapid romantic comedy all along that served primarily as a vehicle to showcase the charm and acting range of the next manufactured Ryan Gosling/Brad Pitt hybrid. Powell is talented and charming for sure, but that is basically the whole point of the completely far-fetched and incredible plot. But the likeable and relatable everyman we are first led to believe the story was about magically transforms overnight into a suave and debonair hunk who suddenly knows how to dress, act, and charm the ladies all while revealing he is a master of disguises and skilled makeup artist as well, who we then are shown also has no ethics or integrity as he becomes a willing accomplice to murder. But it's all okay because he falls in love with a two-time Salma Hayek-type murderess and they get married and have beautiful children and live happily ever after. Blecch. ๐Ÿคฎ ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป


Well, to be fair, the movie is supposed to be a BLACK comedy that goes dark places.


this film should've ended @ the van scene... with Jasper maybe winking at "Ron"
and then cut to the kids and stuff

making Gary a stone-cold killer was far-fetched and tasteless


One of the messages of the movie was that people can and do change. He changed into a killer. Then I suspect that he quit.

And then again he changed into someone who could sustain a relationship.


They said Jasper was "racist", so therefore they can justify "killing" him. Just another woke garbage theme.
