More anti-RC drivel

That's it.


The Church does plenty, all on their own, to make people anti-RC. Adding some drivel won't make it any worse.


More anti-RC drivel.


How is it anti-RC?


What if Jesus did not speak truth to power and instead buried his head in the sand over sin. Seems to be the way of the RC.


Jewish produced!


I don't think it has anything to do with that.

Hollywood is largely liberal, I wouldn't say they hate religion, but they do think religions are getting in the way.

Religions uniformise people by creating common values among them, which reduces conflicts in a way, but also create larger religious conflicts.

From what I understand liberals believe religions are obsolete, the media is the key to uniformise people, they push for "universal values" through concentrated media ownership, popular arts like movies, as a way to reduce the influence of religions.

"The Orville" TV series I think gives the clearest indication of thoughts like this, they basically spelled it out. Comic book movies I think also push towards that direction.

Of course conservatives don't believe that, "You can't even unify people's thoughts in a country. World peace? You guys should go participate miss universe pageant. There will be peace if I have enough guns.", I think their beliefs are more along these lines.


religions are obsolete, the media is key to uniformise people, they push for "universal values"

You have no idea mate, forcing ideology down everyones throats is not uniformising people?

The Bilble is Universal values end of story. They want rid of it because it gives people strength of character and the ability to see through bullshit and corruption, It's fucking with their operation.

Liberals want people to give up everything and accept anything. Getting people to give up on their better judgements in favour of 'progression' is a huge win for them because what will be left if they get their way are basically retards who are even easier to control. It's an ego thing somewhere along the way being progressive became associated with being wise or more intelligent so weak minded people think if they accept this nonsense it makes them a better person

The joke is of course none of it is progressive it's in fact regressive and degenerate for one example think about a man accepting and even condoning and applauding two dudes sucking each other off. It's a complete abandonment of masculinity

Don't come crying when all the guns are gone and all the men are Watching Will and grace and they decide your next


True. I wonder why they never go after the biggest religion in the world???
