MovieChat Forums > All Is Lost (2013) Discussion > People disappointed? What would you expe...

People disappointed? What would you expect???

I am not sure why people would go to a movie which is about a guy lost at sea and expect anything different?

Of course they will have the storm scene and
Of course they will show the usual issues re water/food ...
(Nothing abut bathroom etiquette)
And it really all comes down to the end: Will the person be found or not...

So then it becomes an issue of how the lone person deals with the situation...
I do agree with others that Redford almost had no emotional reaction but maybe this is his upbringing or the fact that the camera crew there made him feel better ...

But it did seem like overall, the movie made a point of being the FIRST movie with NO words spoken ... which did seem a bit self-serving...



The movie was "okay", not brilliant or anything and kinda of lacking.

But I keep reading how it has NO WORDS, but the FACT is it DOES have words: long intro narration, some words from and to a radio, an "F" --- all fine, but this is NOT a "NO WORDS" movie. ONE word is A word. They easily could have left ALL words out, and then it would be a NO WORDS movie, might have even been cooler.... no pointless intro, just with a guy on a boat, maybe show a map if he had direction, or a crumpled map if not.... when he goes to talk on radio, has a massive coughing spell until the radio dies anyway. Instead of F, he could have cried aarrrg so we could hear he was losing his voive....

Someone else said, there was no "SOUNDTRACK" (meaning music presumably)... yet the whole movie is littered with music all through it. At least I heard it.

It was well done for what it did, didn't interest me enough to ever want to watch it again (just plodded) but I'm not a sailor either so maybe that is why.


Those who were disappointed probably expected to see some tigers, or even dragons.


ahahhah...exactly. I find this movie to be brilliant.


Umm there was a word spoken it was fu##,and the words he said at the beginning.
