hardy is epic and miike is epic! i mean the story sounds very intriguing and the screenplay was on the black list so it is currently all promising! filming begins in january!
sharehardy is epic and miike is epic! i mean the story sounds very intriguing and the screenplay was on the black list so it is currently all promising! filming begins in january!
shareLets just pray for an R rating and that Miike is allowed to make the film the way it should be made. Could have the potential to be a modern "last samurai" mixed with "showdown in little tokyo"
shareMy reaction: Wow!!
" Look, there's two women fuc*ing a polar bear!"
this will be good as long as the studio dont *beep* with it and miiki has full control and tom hardy is awesome cant wait for this one to come out
you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid
sounds interesting
"God bless the homicidal maniacs. They make life worthwhile."
True!i just found out about this today. Cant wait!
Giving you a slow-clap, Señor Chang style.
What happened here? Both the actor and director got replaced?