Agreed. The whole atmosphere was creepy as hell, especially the use of sound. I can guarantee that if I saw it in a movie theater instead of at home, at least half a dozen jump-scares (including the one right before the title credit) would have made me scream at the top of my lungs. I usually warn people around me (if the mood is friendly) before a movie that I know is going to make me jump and scream a couple times that I'm a screamer. My poor husband, who is NOT a horror fan like I am, patiently suffers through it, he's usually the one stuck going to see stuff like "Sinister", "Mama", and "The Conjuring" with me since none of my female friends are into scary movies. Though if the movie is entertaining enough he doesn't mind. I yelped a little and flinched at some of the jump scares even watching this at home, though. I knew the scene with the weird pale face suddenly peeking out of that tunnel or tube or whatever it was coming since it was in the trailer, and I still jumped.
Really, the reviews I read of the movie didn't prepare me for how freaked out I was, they just mentioned some 'very creepy moments'. Banshee Chapter was actively frightening in several parts.
Everything that you see, I owe to spaghetti.
-Sophia Loren