Yeah, I sure can't wait for this nonsense!...
This type of stuff just kills me. The thing about this "debate" is that NOBODY KNOWS!!! Either side, nobody can prove anything. Without proof, you and I are just choosing to believe something, one way or another.
I can argue both sides really. I don't have a horse in this race, as I simply don't know. But I also know that you don't know, which makes it easy to debunk this type of nonsense.
For this movie in particular, what cracks me up is this: Most people I talk to about this INSIST that there's no possible way that everything in the universe appeared out of nowhere. No way. Ok, fine. But that means your entire story now hinges on a diety APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE!!!! If it wasn't so delusional, it would be hilarious. They have the hardest time believing that we came from nothing, just to then turn around and insist a God came from nothing.
And spare me the old/tired "God was always there" explanation...that just doesn't make any sense whatsoever either. What did the diety do the day before creating the universe? How about the day before that? A trillion years before that? At some point, this diety would have had a first day on the job. How did that happen? Just appeared out of thin air one day?
It's really a question without even much of a plausible explanation. Perhaps Stephen Hawking is right (that something could come from nothing naturally), but I still wonder why/how that process started. Even if we're just an advanced civilization's computer simulation...when/where did that civilization come about?! Ths is the chicken/egg question times 1-trillion...I'm not sure anybody will ever know for sure. (But to claim that you do know for sure is really just you guessing and believing you're right...that's hardly proof.)
The answer to this question is still the biggest mystery of all mysteries and probably always will be. This doc won't answer that question either.