MovieChat Forums > Gran Hotel (2014) Discussion > If you understand a little Spanish, this...

If you understand a little Spanish, this is where to watch Season 3.

If you become a subscriber you can watch the episodes online. The subscription is under $5.00 a month. If you have an iPad or tablet, you can download the app, Atresplayer.

No subtitles yet.

Here is the link to the show itself:


Hi, thanks for your reply, but there was no way I could log in that antena 3 site, try to register many times , but could not , any tricks or directions to do it, and no, I do not need English subtitles , thanks again


I don't know why it isn't working for you. Good luck.


Thanks so much, it did work, Noe i am watching Velvet, and others that have beeb highly recommended, what I am still looking
for a Polish site,, that had the complete 3 rd season in Spa. with Polish subtitles and it was free ! Thanks for sharing !


I just registered from Canada and in 5 mins had access to all the series - cost me 4 euros.


I couldn't subscribe to the Antena3 pay site with my credit card, but it worked when I tried PayPal. The monthly fee isn't much, even more of a bargain now with the US$ doing so much better against the Euro.


I've been watching the third season with English subtitles for free. Here are links to the first few although I have links for all of them up to episode 10. it's a little tricky getting these video windows to work to stream the show. You may have to try a few of the choices before you find one that works (each link has a bunch of links to various streaming sites). But persevere. Seems like if I don't click on any of the arrows in the video windows but expand it to fit the entire screen, it loses the ads and plays the show.

Episode 1: eries-online-ch-mp4-mp4/xdyi6fck

Episode 2: atchseries-online-ch-mp4/cokbim4g

Episode 3: atc/f7xz0dh6

Enjoy! 😜


So, okay, I've managed to watch, with much wasted time and effort trying to get these freaking web videos to work, all the episodes in season 3 up to episode 10. But I've been looking for days for episode 11, which is not called "La venta" but "La salud de los difuntos" ("The Health of the Dead"???), and I just can't find it anywhere. Does anyone have a link for this episode? It ran last Sunday (3/15/15) on Sky Arts, as far as I can tell, and for some reason it hasn't shown up for viewing anywhere else where I can watch it (with English subtitles). Naturally, episode 10 left us with a pretty incredible ending, and I'd love to find out what happens next. Please? Pretty please? ¿Por favor? ¡Muchas gracias!


Just finished watching episode 11. Go to and search for the show name. You will find multiple links to episode 11.

It seems this blog is responsible for the english subs. They update with new episodes every Tuesday. So they will be uploading episode 12 on hopefully Mar. 24.


I dunno. I've gone there but any link I click on just gives me some obnoxious ad. I have no idea how to get around them. I had with the others, but this one episode is just stumping me. I've spent literally hours trying to get around all this junk so I can just watch it, but nothing works. ::suspiro::


The is the best. Just click on the little black x to close the ad and press play. You'll get 1 or 2 pop ups and you're good to go.


Well, I finally figured out how to watch this episode 11. ¡Caramba! That was a chore that lasted far too long. And now another cliffhanger. Sheesh! I only hope I don't have to go through what I went through with this one to see the next one. Thanks to everyone who tried to help me.

3/24 - And now, for some reason, I did a quick Google search for episode 12, and it came right up, and I was able to watch it immediately with few problems (it did stop a few times for some reason, but I was able to get it to start again. I was using my iPad, which may have had something to do with it, and watching it through my Apple TV box). They left us with another cliffhanger, of course. LOL Now I have to wait a week! But it does seem like this is about to wrap up sometime soon. The only question is who are going to get theirs, both the rewards and the punishments. Whoever dreamed up this storyline must have been mad! ::snicker::

Una cosa más: Aquí está capítulo 12 de temporada 3: Click on a few of the arrows and delete the ads before it will play with English subtitles.
