MovieChat Forums > Gran Hotel (2014) Discussion > Just finished the series

Just finished the series

I absolutely hated the finale! I feel like I was robbed.
That being said I loved the series! Even if I had to read all 42 episodes. The chemistry between Julio and Alicia was amazing and I wouldn't be surprised if they were really a couple. He was so handsome and she was gorgeous and their acting was superb and hardly any makeup was worn on anyone. I also just loved Andres but that ending left me hanging with no closure! If they translate it into English, I'll watch it all over again.
For those of you that liked it, there is an American series called The Grand which has a lot of similar characteristics but it's not near as beautiful!


I was sort of prepared for the finale, at least, what people had said led me to believe it was going to be some horrendous thing, but I know how you feel in a way. I can't say I hated it, but it was a shocker, and I was like, that's IT???? On the other hand, given how various plots ran during the show, it was certainly possible it could continue even after all that, and I have to say I hope so. I agree with all your comments. All the characters were just fascinating to watch. I just wish I could understand all the Spanish so I could have watched without the subtitles. There were so many times when I wanted to just look at the scenery or the costumes, just all the beauty of it, it was a shame I had to read so much dialogue. Still, I'd do it again, and I told my husband I think he'd like it as he likes murder mysteries, which this certainly was one.

Thanks for your recommendation of The Grand. I'll have to check it out though I'm giving myself a break. I've been stuck on this show for weeks and need some time without obsessing about any show.


I was absolutely spell bound watching this series. There were times when I was incredulous at the never ending scrapes the characters got themselves into. There was never a dull moment---rather like a speeded up soap opera. The superb acting and the gorgeous period costumes give this work of art credibility. I particularly love the chemistry between Alicia and Julio. The shocking ending comes up too quickly and leaves unanswered questions. Perhaps that was intended. I didn't understand the significance of the envoy's photo card or if Diego was implicated as the villian in the final scene. Thinking back to the way that the Grand tried to "win" their way into being a member of the Meridian Circle, could they have found a way to return the favor? All the mysteries were resolved in this excellent miniseries except for those that occurred in the last two minutes. I can't stand not knowing!


Well, tisha, as final as it seemed, I also got the impression they were perhaps setting it up to continue, especially given what had gone on before with certain characters like Christina and Diego. But so far, there's nothing more that I know of. I'm with you. What a shame it had to end at all though we all know nothing lasts forever. I watched episode 1 again last night and found it very interesting in light of what we had learned going through the series. And I totally agree, this is a work of art. What got me interested in it in the first place was having recently visited and dined at The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in Michigan, of Somewhere in Time fame, another movie that's a work of art. Gran Hotel's attention to detail with the costumes and settings was something I completely appreciated. But I think we can safely assume that "not knowing" is the underlying theme of this entire series, which makes it completely reasonable that they'd leave us not knowing still when it's over. Oh well, it was a wild ride that had me yelling at the screen on occasion, laughing my head off, and horrified at times. Who knew something I had to watch with subtitles would keep me this glued for that long?



Don't worry!!! It was just a season finale but not the finale of the show. I found a whole new season on youtube after the just doesn't have subtitles but I'm hoping that someone will have it available to view with subtitles because I too thought that was the end and was disappointed. But isn't over! Yay!


Really? OMG, I can't wait. I can't watch without the subtitles though. I really hope you're right. I was thinking of getting back into my Spanish to see if I could pick up more of the dialogue in the original language. I may just have to now!

When I saw the last episode, I really had to wonder if they were going to end it like that. They could have, but I realized there were many loose ends and that the story could definitely continue. In fact, it really needs to, for heaven's sake! Thanks for letting us know!


I hope you've seen that there is actually more and that wasn't the finale after all! I even chatted with someone at Netflix and begged them to get the third season. He said he'd definitely pass it along to the PTB.


There are 22 more episodes missing on Netflix.I couldn't wait so I went looking for them online.I Just finished the series finale and it was great! Like all good things,they must come to and end and leave you wanting more.Loved loved loved this show...lost a lot of sleep over it but totally worth it!�


OMG, I'm so jealous you saw them all already. But 22 more episodes! I think I'm in heaven. I'm on my third time through myself, but just the first 42 episodes. I wish I knew Spanish well enough to watch without the subtitles. I've actually been studying my old textbooks to try to get fluent. Not that I ever was, but now I'm retired and have the time, I feel like giving it a serious try, all because of this show. I would just love to watch the whole thing without the subtitles. (Every day I notice more and more words and phrases I'm able to recognize.) It's such a gorgeous production, it's a shame to take your eye off it to read them. Well, I'm really happy you let us know it maintained the quality it started with. At least we all have something to look forward to!


So the explosion was the finale of season 2? Does this mean that season has not been translated to English yet? I am too so enthralled with this series but unfortunately my Spanish isn't that great. It can't be soon enough for me.


Yes, exactly. There are, apparently, 22 more episodes that haven't been put on Netflix yet. You can get the whole series on DVD, but it's the European format and won't work on our machines. And I don't know if it has any subtitles either. But I had no idea there was another season when I saw the last episode, and it was quite a shock to think that was the end. I was going through all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify it. I started thinking, however, that there were so many loose ends, it didn't make sense to make that anything but a cliffhanger, and it turned out I was right. Yay! You might write to Netflix and beg them to get the third season (yes, I have done that), which I understand is the last. Those who have seen it have said it was just as good as the first two seasons. I can't wait! But the only place you can watch the third season otherwise is on YouTube, which really doesn't do it for me. They don't have decent subtitles either. BTW, my Spanish is getting better! And I've been going through a book I had and doing the lessons, plus I found Duolingo online, which is pretty cool. I may end up fluent after all. All because of this show!


Netflix has all 66 episodes with English subtitles.


True, although there are some cuts of some scenes, very annoying. What I do like is they now have Spanish subtitles as well, so if you want to know specifically what someone said in Spanish, you can find out. Great for those of us trying to learn the language. So far, I haven't found one Spanish subtitle that was incorrect. They all match up with what's being said precisely.
