MovieChat Forums > Gran Hotel (2014) Discussion > Season 2 Finale questions (spoilers)

Season 2 Finale questions (spoilers)

Just finished the last episode when the bomb went off. Need a bit of clarification before delving into Season 3. Am I to understand that Diego poisoned Don Carlos (when he was on the stand, he didn't admit it of course, but the flashbacks proved otherwise); and I gather Dona Teresa doesn't know what he did.

why did Javier face a firing squad (did his pardon note just get misplaced??)

Why did that actor person set the bomb? Did the Merchant Circle discover what Dona Teresa did to those other hotels in order to get what she wanted?

I love love Andres - he brought me to tears in some scenes, and the actor is so good; happy to see he is in Velvet.

I loved El Internado so much and never thought I would actually say Grand Hotel is number one.

So fast paced, hard to keep track, but it all pans out quickly.

Thanks all.


Yes, it is my understanding that evil Diego killed Don Carlos, and no one but us will ever know. And yes, I believe that the note was misplaced so Javier had to face the firing squad. You will find out about why the actor person set off the bomb in season 3. I love Grand Hotel too, but I have to say that Ivan beats Julio as my favorite all time character..


I must admit it's taking me a while to unpick all the plot threads in my head, as it's all so convoluted.

Alicia was abducted in the aftermath of the bomb. So was the bomb put there just for that purpose, or did Jesús/Samuel and his accomplices spot an opportunity (and just happened to have an ambulance and a boat at the ready)? If the former, was the whole Circulo del Mediodia thing a ruse created by Samuel? Or did it start as a real thing and the deception started at the part where they invited Teresa to head the group?

It also seemed odd to me that Teresa was prepared to recognise Andrés just to get his vote on joining the Circulo del Mediodia. Was it really that important?

Sounds like I need to re-watch some of season 2.
