The smacks

Love the show. I wish someone would put together a compilation of the smacks. My wife and I crack up every time someone gets it.


LOL! And apparently, they really do slap each other. It must have been kinda painful for the actors! I just started watching the series over again for the umteenth time. It's really good for my Spanish. If I could watch it without subtitles, I'd go ahead and buy the DVD set from Spain since there is stuff in there we're not getting on Netflix, scenes cut for God only knows what reason. But what would be ideal is having it with both English and Spanish subtitles. I'd buy that in a minute. Oh well...

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


Oh man I loved the smaks. They seem real and on one Belen got smacked by her mother in law so hard that you can tell the actresses was in real pain.
On another note, some psychologists researched this and concluded face slaps are humiliating; from accounts from Jewish victims of the Nazis, they did yell in pain when being tortured but would forgot soon about it. However they would be extremely humiliated and the psychological wound was deeper from face slaps.
Food for thought


Yes, and another reason to avoid doing that to one's children. I do find it kind of hard to imagine forgetting being tortured, though. Seems like that should leave an indelible mark not soon forgotten.

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


I exaggerated but I actually meant the face slap is more personal. It is an attack to the ego.
And yes about slapping children, my dad slapped me about 3 times when I was 7, then 13 and another time. Those times stick with my memory harder than when he would beat me with a broomstick breaking it on my back, whipping my and stuff like that, even though the latter were more physically damaging. From that research I mentioned earlier, my own and others experiences I conclude physical punishment causes intimidating fear, but face slaps cause resentment, anger, humiliation.
I recently watched an interview to the only surviving hitman for Pablo Escobar and he said one of the triggers in his childhood that turned him into a ruthless killer was once he got in trouble in school and his dad slapped him.


Well, I agree with you about all physical punishment myself. I don't think people should hit each other, even when it's your child, in fact, especially when it's your child. πŸ‘¦πŸ‘§

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)


I understand your point, but that's not what I was discussing, maybe I didn't express myself correctly; obviously any kind of abuse is wrong, even verbal abuse. But what I'm trying to say is that I find it very interesting how our mind works and how we react differently to different situations.
In this case the slap affects us very emotionally. I had a religion professor in high school who had very unorthodox methods but was aware of this and had the whole class stand in a circle and one person would slap the one to his/her left until we were all done. This was meant to deflect the emotional reaction from the attacker to the next person and would be neutralized by the exercise so no feeling was left. Obviously I wouldnt do this and I dont want to argue it's validity but gave me an insight back then.
The fact that a slap affects us so much more than a physical damaging wound is astonishing. Emotions can sometimes affect us deeper than the physical. Our ego is too fragile and would react with amazing power. People can survive accidents and physical abuse, but an attack to the ego will not be forgotten.


Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying all of this damage would be avoided if we just never hit or slapped anyone on any part of their bodies.

"How was the war, sir?"
"As any war, ma'am, a waste of good men." (Poldark)
