...the moose scene..

..just watched this.

- the moose scene was a nice touch. A moment of peace for Cindy, and I found it somewhat powerful too.

...good movie, i enjoyed this one.



I agree, wholeheartedly!! I rented this on iTunes and it was A LOT better than the trailer led me to believe. I have seen thousands of movies and I really enjoyed this film. Will definitely be picking up on blu-ray when it's out. Nic Cage's best work that I have seen in a long time. Vanessa did a great job as well, I was very surprised by her performance. Cusack was less Cusack which really worked well I thought.


..hey Tim, thanks for the positive response. yea Frozen Ground is probably the surprise of the this year.

...Ya know what's interesting, Prisoners just came out and so many are raving and praising that movie. Well i just saw it, and it's very disturbing and frustrating to watch. Don't think I could sit through that one again. And yet here's two movies about kidnappers and murderers.

...here's why I feel The frozen Ground is the better movie in my opinion, and why I would watch this again over Prisoners any day.

- The Frozen Ground doesn't linger on what we already know about serial killers and the disturbing things they do. Like most serial killer movies, they give us a look into their lives just enough to understand how evil and insane they are. It doesn't keep pounding us over the head with what the killer does. It's merely a set up for Cusack's character. And of course Vanessa Hudgen's very convincing performance.

- Now, as for Prisoners. Hugh Jackman's character becomes as bad as the killer kidnapper. And that movie keeps showing torture after torture by him. The disturbing scenes like that really took audiences out of the movie. Film makers need to understand that realism is great in any movie, however, if it's too disturbing it can really work against the story.

...I learned so much about how to tell a story on screen, I need to make movies lol..

...That's why Prisoners is the lesser movie. It's well acted and a solid story with some great scenes, but as a whole it's nothing special. Just my thoughts and opinions.

- note: And one reason why SE7EN is still so effective and remains to be one of the best suspense crime thrillers is because the way it was told. Yes, it was disturbing as well, but the brutal murders happened off screen and past tense. SE7EN is brilliant.

...of course hardly anyone has seen or heard of The Frozen Ground because it was released in like one or two states. And so many bash Nicholas Cage and Vanessa Hudgens too, so they judged this movie before seeing it. I think it's one of the years best movies.



Some really great points, moviebuff. I saw Prisoners this past Friday and I enjoyed it, but sadly wasn't able to enjoy it fully due to a loud black woman in the back of the theatre. She was yelling at the movie the whole time and announcing what was going to happen next. Thankfully, after complaining, I got movie re-admit passes after the show.

I think you're right in the examination of Frozen Ground in that it doesn't dwell on the horrors of serial killers, so it feels less heavy. I think that Prisoners sought to dig deeper into the psychological horrors and damage of serial killers and child abductions. I'll have to watch it again when it comes out on blu-ray to get a fuller experience since I missed some of it.

I think that Seven is a landmark film, as is Silence of the Lambs. David Fincher and Jonathan Demme were at the top of their game on these films I believe. Truly remarkable films all around in my opinion.

I am huge film aficionado and have an enormous blu-ray collection. I wish that I would have tried to get into the film production business when I much younger as it's my true passion. Unfortunately, I'll have to simply enjoy the end result and try to find something interesting in each film I choose to watch.

As for Frozen Ground, I plan on picking it up and sharing it around the office. It deserves some love and clearly isn't getting much attention. It deserves a full release in my honest opinion. Of course, I picked up The Killing Season with DeNiro and Travolta and it didn't get much attention and after watching it, I see why. Well-filmed but horribly acted and not a great script. There's a lot of money spent in Hollywood that seems a waste on what is produced.

Here's hoping that Frozen Ground does well once on blu-ray. It deserves at least that much.


reminded of that coyote scene from Collateral


The big difference between PRISONERS and FROZEN GROUND and why you can't compare the two - although I'll say PRISONERS is a thousands times better due to smart, skillful directing - is that we know who the killer is in FROZEN GROUND from the beginning and in PRISONERS .... SPOILERS...

... the main suspect is merely a red herring. PRISONERS is a real whodunit, police procedural, while FROZEN GROUND is about how do we get this guy to confess to his crimes that we already know he did.


exactly what bronzescag said.


» Fri Oct 4 2013 21:00:29

reminded of that coyote scene from Collateral

That's exactly what I thought too.

Why don't they just catch that thing? How hard could it be in a place full of dead ends?


While I wasn't so keen on the movie as a whole, I did like the moose scene ... though the symbolism was somewhat heavy and obvious ... both the moose and Cindy as potential prey of the hunter serial killer.

But nice :)


At the first second I thought it was weird, but very quickly it turned into an enormous scene. It was a very deep moment in the movie, absolutely amazing!


Reminds me of Benny Hill. Someone tells the director how brilliant he is and he says "we don't know where that moose came from".
