MovieChat Forums > The Frozen Ground (2013) Discussion > Do you people hate rappers so much....

Do you people hate rappers so much....

OK it has 50 Cent in it but he is in the movie for like 5 minutes. Yet you cry about him and refuse to see the movie. I am not a fan of "non-actors" being in movies unless playing themselves because they usually cant act. Plenty of movies do it though and they are called cameos. Just treat things like these as cameos and do less crying please.


Not to mention the fact that he is actually a decent actor...


by Nice-GuyJon » Sat Oct 5 2013 19:53:58
IMDb member since February 2009

Not to mention the fact that he is actually a decent actor...
Not sure if his character was based on a real person, but his role was merely just a cheap plot-device so that Hansen's hitman would fumble.

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You got it wrong guy....people like YOU are the scum of the earth. I'm not saying YOU are I'm saying people like YOU. And yet you say RAPPERS, as in, all rappers!!! Are you that ignorant?!? Or just totally miserable in life??? I pray for people like you and you personally...actually that's a lie, I hardly ever pray.

"Go *beep* yourself San Diego"


No glee, people such as yourself who defend the crap rap! These people are not singers nor is Rap music. All it is, is ghetto poetry!


50 Cent wasn't bad in this (although the glow in the dark white teeth look so out of place in a movie set in 1983) but he's been so bad in everything else I've seen him in that I wondered if he paid to be in the movies rather then the other way around. He should have started out with small roles like this rather then playing the second or third lead in low budget straight to DVD action flicks, that would
have given him a chance to hone his acting skills.


And I know all pimps have to be black in movies, but in 80's-era Anchorage they'd more likely be Hell's Angel types.

I don't hate rappers, but it annoys the hell out of me the way dumbass hip-hop lingo filters into the language to the point that middle-age white people start using it. 50 Cent didn't ruin the movie, but his presence was highly unnecessary. I doubt there were many black rappers in Anchorage, Alaska in 1983.



NO, all pimps don't have to be black in movies---where did you get that stupid idea? You see white pimps in films ALL the time---they just aren't called that. I haven't seen this film, but if 50 Cent's only in it for 5 minutes, then why the hell are you complaining about it? Especially if he's not even rapping in it? To be fair, I haven't seen him in enough movies to determine whether he's even a good actor or not (and he's not even one of my favorite rappers, to be honest.)

Another person who dosen't know jack about hip-hop and puts it down simply because they can't understand it. And,BTW, hip-hop lingo has already become part of the national language over the last three decades simply because it's slang, and slang has existed for almost as long as there has been language itself. And because it's popular and fun to listen to. You could say the exact same thing about most popular music, including rock 'n roll (which was looked down upon and dismissed as much as rap is when it first began.) So you're a little late in starting to whine about it.

And, just to remind you, one of the world's biggest box office stars used to be a rapper (and a pretty good one,too)a Mr. Will Smith--who also happens to be a very good actor on top of that. So are Mos Def (now going by the name Yaslin Bey) who is both a very talented actor and rapper, Queen Latifah, LL Cool J, Sticky Fingers, Fredro Starr, Drake, and Ice Cube (who just recently starred in (and,I believe, possibly produced) the huge box office hit RIDE ALONG.) Funny how when slang made by white kids enters the mainstream, it's seen as no big deal, but whenever slang created by black folks enters the mainstream (which it always does) it's seen as negative, but white folks end up copying it anyway. Who cares if a white middle aged person speaks the slang, as long they actually understand it what it means? What the hell do you care? Nothing dumb-a** about slang---language would be pretty damn boring if it didn't exist,anyway. So get off your little soapbox and go listen to whatever you don't hate or have any understanding of.


@activista I agree. I even mentioned how Frank Sinatra and Elvis were frowned upon when they first started singing But I hear no complaints about their acting, which in the beginning was pretty bad. I think there is another agenda going on here. That is why what some of them are saying makes no sense. All I have to say is they better take their credit cards from their kids because white kids are the biggest consumers of rap and hip hop music. I am sure 50 cent would love to think them for making them so rich.


*facepalm* No offense, but this may be the dumbest comment I've ever read.

"I am invincible!" -Boris Grishenko, Goldeneye


Do you apply this to white rappers as well or nah?

Stupid comment regardless


They don't hate rappers, they hate black people. Rap is a convenient way for them to bash them without using the N-word.


Cant believe no one has reported your unbelievably stupid post. I just did. Hopefully it, and you, will be removed for your racism.

