If it were 80s it might became cult classic...
...but it's not.
I know there are many sub genres in comedy universe and after watching first 5 minutes of this masterpiece I realized it's not my type of comedy I like to watch. It's just vulgar, presenting the lowest level of toilet humor. While I like that sort of humor (when I'm in a mood), I feel that most comedies in modern times suffer from lack of charm and charisma of main characters.
I don't know why but John Belushi had both. Seth Rogen seems to not have any charm or charisma. He's more funnier when he's doing interviews.
I really wanted to watch this movie because I love Rose Byrne - she's wonderful, but she's wasting time and talent on participating in such movies like this.
So yeah, I haven't watched it, therefore no score, but if I had to give those 5 minutes any score, it would be 2/10. Instead I added this movie to my "avoid" list with other masterpieces like Twilight, Underworld: Awakening, Step Up 2: The Streets :>
ξ― http://diandianusfilmovus.blogspot.com/