Uneven Tone with Some Funny Moments
Overall, I like Seth Rogen comedies. He is that every man who never grows up. I guess in some ways, I relate to that.
Howevever, this movie was really condfusing in tone. It never seemed to settle on whether it wanted to be slapstick (airbags in chairs), dark humor (terrorizing next door neighbor), social satire (older adults with responsibility vs. younger generation without rules), or something akin to a low-budget National Lampoon movie (sex, alcohol, crazy college hijinks). It mixed them all in and didn't do any of them justice. Had they stuck to one theme, I think I might have enjoyed it more. I was expecting a lot of the Lampoon type stuff from the trailers.
I never got the feeling Rogan or Byrne really understood their characters. At times they went for farce and I think that harmed the movie. I kept expecting Rogen to break the fourth wall and wink at the camera.
Zac Efron did a really good job of acting like a young hipster on the edge of insanity, but it was misplaced in this film. He was like a younger version of Michael Keaton in Pacific Heights (1990). Had the movie played it straight, it would have been a great performance.
There are some really funny moments in this movie, but it felt like pieces of four different movies spliced together.
My memory foam pillow says it can't remember my face. I can tell its lying.