I expected about a 3 when I checked the site. I saw the movie was for sale and I thought no way anyone would buy that, let me see the IMDB rating, I'm sure people stay away from the movie after seeing how bad it is...then I see a 6.4????
Wow... This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
Are you sure you weren't in the theater for "Walk of Shame" or "A Haunted House 2" or "Mom's Night Out" and just thought you were in the theater for "Neighbors" because this honestly is far from "worst movie ever made" material, especially in a world where "Ben & Arthur", "God's Not Dead" and the "Human Centipede" trilogy exist.
It's not great cinema, but it's honestly well made (I mean, how many general Hollywood filmmakers would reference Gaspar Noe's "Enter the Void" in a college party?), Rose Byrne has perfect comedic timing and a good dramatic performance and it's a really entertaining middle finger to the ludicrousness of what people do to get popularity today.
Well it is from my point of view and I haven't seen all those other awful movies, I wouldn't waste my time. This one I thought had potential but all it was were two irresponsible parents going next door to get wasted every night. Happened over and over until the end. It was awful.
Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen, total trash. Another awful movie is Funny People, two of the worst movies.
This was not the story of the movie. They went over the first night, because they wanted to look cool and the frat wanted to have friends. Then they showed their real colors really fast.
Thank you for a constructive post. Almost every post I've seen on these threads are calling this the worst movie ever. Really? More than Troll 2? Battlefield Earth? Birdemic? This is a decent film and could have been significantly worse.
No, there are plenty of good, almost great movies rated as low as 6.4 on imdb. And I would never watch anything that could possibly be worse than this. No way I'd sit through it
To me a movie rated 6 means it was almost good except for a few setbacks...whether it be a stupid ending or too many "ya right" or unplausible moments to make it an outright "good" or 7 ratings wise....a 6.4 is dam close to a good movie which this clearly isn't...not very funny at all IMHO
Really then you haven't watch enough movies if this one is your worst. There are a lot more that's is worse for instance :(glitter,mac and me) these are by far much worse than this one!!