What does 'snatch' mean in slang?
When Desdomina says "Keep your snatches well oiled", does snatch mean butt or vagina, in slang?
I looked it up, but could not find anything on google. Thanks for the input.
When Desdomina says "Keep your snatches well oiled", does snatch mean butt or vagina, in slang?
I looked it up, but could not find anything on google. Thanks for the input.
shareFor future reference on other slang words you might encounter:
http://onlineslangdictionary.com --- sometimes has too many results
http://urbandictionary.com --- not too reliable... anyone can post there and so many people put up fake or very stupid definitions... too many idiots don't know what they are talking about and may post a wrong one too... I wouldn't go there unless the first one has no results. :)