Soooo dumb

How long could this go on before the guy, the family, the foundation are caught?!
Of all the people that played the game, not ONE of them told a family member or friend about it?? I doubt it.
If I got invited by this rich dude to come to his house for dinner and to play a game that could change my life, I would tell people about I before I went. It's so weird and mysterious all my friends would know what my plans were for that night. Then I disappear forever.
7-8 people go missing on the same night and they all told their family that they were having dinner with Shepard Lambrick of the Lambrick Foundation and this guy won't be questioned by police?
How often can he get away with it? He wouldn't be able to.
Also even if you "won" the game, would you recommend it to others?! That's ridiculous! I know the doctor had a change of heart and tried to help his patient but the fact that he would recommend the game to her is insane. It's basically murder. And the doctor is all friendly with this Lambrick guy who sadistically murders people?
Oh I could go in but it's so dumb.
The idea is very cool but it needs better writers to pull it off.


It's definitely implausible but the son mentions how no one would ever believe such a crazy story. Imagine going to the cops and telling them this rich doctor held a bunch of people hostage, forced them to play a game where only the winner lives, and you're the winner. There's a good chance the cops might laugh and send you straight to the psych ward.

But the movies implies that this wasn’t the first time they’d played the game so if enough people showed up with similar stories the cops might start believing it.

But I think the host was banking on no one going to the cops because then they wouldn’t get to keep the money.

But I agree overall the plot could have been a lot better. Like play the game with homeless people that no one would miss that would have been more believable.

But I think the even bigger problem with the film is all of the acting performances seemed really unbelievable. None of them really acted how I would expect people to act that were caught in a life and death game. At times they acted more like they were playing Monopoly or something, which maybe that was the intent of the filmmaker's but even if it was i don't think it worked very well. The only convincing acting performance was the guy who played the host.

Also the games themselves were pretty boring, not clever or creative at all.

I’m a little surprised it’s rated 5.8 seems more like a 4 or so to me.

What are words for when no one listens anymore
