Campaign against Mormons

It seems interesting how there have been quite a few tv shows/documentaries about Mormons recently such as Under the Banner of Heaven, Keep Sweet, and Murder Among the Mormons. Most of these are about fringe Mormon groups, but the vilification of them makes me wonder if there are some Mormons in real life who are attempting to gain political power, so these series are essentially anti-Mormon propaganda to influence voters not to vote for them. It seems like that was the case in 2012 when Mitt Romney was the Republican presidential candidate and Mormon-themed content such as The Book of Mormon musical were prevalent.


makes a person tired of religion in general


Anti-religion propaganda is quite normal these days. That said, Mormonism is a false religion and presents a false Christ so I only see any potential vilification of Mormonism as a good thing.


Please. The Book of Mormon was initially conceived in 2003 - 9 years before Romney ran.


FLDS is a cult that practices polygamy, which was abolished by the main church. Also rape and forced marriage. Several leaders were arrested.

There are far more Muslims that also practice polygamy but you can't touch them!


Not a fan of LDS, but this certainly seems like a vilification of Mormons. Apparently they need to make up total lies to make their point. But what else would you expect, it's based on a book by Jon Krakauer...


this was based on a true story, police and court records and interviews with one of the killers.


If you research the case you'll find they made up a lot of stuff. Religion was hardly a motive, for example. The killers just used it as an excuse in court.


Is Jon Krakauer supposed to be a liar?


Pretty much. You'll find that a lot of folks disagree with his account of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster. He has a way of twisting the truth.


Yeah I read the book but I didnt know his account was considered untruthful. I thought the controversy was because he was critical of Anatoly Boukreev.


That was some part of it, but he definitely made stuff up as well. I read an article a few years, but I can't remember exactly all the things that were incorrect. Wikipedia probably mentions some.

Anyway, the same goes for the book this series is based on. I guess it's not surprising Hollyweird loves him so much.


What was made up in Krakauer's book about Mormons?


fundamentalist mormons i would say


Do you think that pro-Trump people are trying to get back at Mitt Romney?

reply's possible.


The Book of Mormon opened on Broadway now than a year before Mitt Romney was the Republican Candidate. It was just a funny musical. The Mormon Church even took it with good humor. When I saw it they had an ad in the Playbill, saying something like, "Now that you've seen the musical, why not read the original"
