Different cuts?

Are there different versions available for this movie? For instance, the German DVD runs 82:23 and the Scandinavian 84:26 (25 fps). Similarly, the US and German Blu-ray run 85 minutes and the UK Blu-ray allegedly 88 minutes (24 fps).

If somebody owns the UK Blu-ray, could he or she check the accurate runtime from the disc?

http://www.dvdcompare.net/comparisons/film.php?fid=21375 (Blu-ray)
http://www.dvdcompare.net/comparisons/film.php?fid=21376 (DVD)


I bought the UK blu-ray and its runtime is 88:22. So, it’s about 2½ minutes longer than the US and German edition are. Any ideas about the differences between these versions?


Some scenes were probably cut in some places but not much to make a difference


Have you seen the differences yet? Since I've seen th film dozens of times I'd see for sure. Thank you for letting me know.


Yes, I'd LOVE to know the differences since I've arched this at least a hundred times! Thank you!


This is an old question but the answer is just in the FPS difference.

If you have 84:26 at 25FPS:
5066s of runtime
126,650 total frames

Playing 126,650 frames back at 24FPS you will get:
5277.08s of runtime
which is
87.95 minutes or 87:57--essentially the same as "88 minutes".

It's very likely the exact same cut, it just takes 3.5 minutes longer to watch it at 24FPS. 1FPS might not seem like a big difference but it adds up over time.
