MovieChat Forums > Chained (2013) Discussion > What's with the accent?

What's with the accent?

Love D'onofrio, he's the reason I watched this in the first place.
But why does he have Schwarzzeneger accent? I thought his character supposed to be an immigrant serial killer at first, but nope.

Oh and about the movie itself. After back and forth during the movie, thinking yeah... it's okay, to OMG it's so stupid.
I finally decided that I like it.. After the end credit role.


I think D'Onofrio has a tendency to make real bad characters talk somewhat in that stilted odd style anyway - just the way he does it - and also he's trying to show someone who's deeply disturbed but at the same time very methodical and organised - which I think works quite well - tho i agree it does sound VERY close to some sort of foreign accent.


I thought he was supposed to be mildly retarded


i think hes supposed to sound like that, i didnt notice to think
the accent was foreign, not at all, its just a part of a speech impediment
or minor stuttering of some sort.

i noticed the girl, the one who was a "fighter" she had an accent, i think


I thought he sounded like Christopher Walken



i thought it was him at first as well


At one point it was like a slow south African accent not like the usual high pitched version commonly heard, I also thought Dutch.


I had thought it was a speech impediment, and after he named Rabbit, it reminded me a lot of Lennie from "Of Mice and Men". Lennie loved the rabbits but kept hurting them by squeezing them too close to himself. Bob in the same way hurt rabbit by bringing him close to himself. If that is the basis than it shines a little more light on some of the questions of the film like his relationship to his brother.
