NC-17! YES!!!

Gonna be awesome

Screw you MPAA!

Don't you get it? Love conqeurs all!


I hope they keep releasing more NC-17 films like this, "Shame", and "Killer Joe" so people can pull their heads out & realize that NC-17 does not = porn!


It's been cut and is now rated R.


disappointing; not surprising, but disappointing.


However, Jennifer Lynch said the DVD probably be uncut.


actually no, Anchor Bay already announced the DVD/BD. Its coming out Oct 2 and is the R cut it looks like. The release will have the scene that caused it to be NC-17 but it looks like as a special feature, not included back in the movie. Considering Anchor Bay does such extremely limited releases, and also releases many Unrated films like 'The Divide' its a little surprising this is getting cut instead of just being NC-17 or else surrendering the rating and being 'Unrated'

From announcement:
The Chained Blu-ray Combo Pack and DVD also includes, as a bonus feature, the scene that prompted the MPAA give the film an NC-17 rating!

Here is a link to that info

Maybe its just me, but i find that pretty dissapointing. I think at the very least the DVD/BD should be released with the uncut version of the film intact, not just with that scene as a bonus feature


Anyone know what the scene was that they cut, I'm not sure what version I watched?


They trimmed the scene of Mary's murder...the drunk girl that got her throat cut. The original scene was a little bloodier.


That's strange, it was definitely the goriest scene but the blood flow from the arteries in the neck was very little. Still it was one of the best moments to really define how little Bob valued life & I didn't see it coming.

Censorship in general has always boggled my mind a bit. Is there a an actual rule book that they add points together, like 3 points for an @ss or a pair breasts(but 1 1/2 for only one) & 2 points for using sh!t, 4 points for f'k.
Or is it left to one guy's opinion or a panel of douche's collectively bargaining together, ah maybe I'll google it and find out..

(222)Zombie Flicks Since 2000


The MPAA's reason for originally giving this an NC-17 was that it was too "realistic", the tone was too disturbing. Basically, they didn't try to lighten the mood, throw in humor, etc. There is a documentary on Netflix about the MPAA and their rating's called "This movie has not yet been rated". They show in the movie how they actually do count thrusts in sex scenes, or how many times a character drops the f-bomb, etc. It also shows that movies with extreme violence often have an easier time getting an R rating than movies with sex scenes.


Cool, I'm gonna check out that film, I've heard of it but haven't seen it. How is the MPAA to say what is too realistic though, it would differ from person to person you would think. The US seems to be the tightest on what's acceptable, and very strict on censorship as a whole, but they leave shows like Family Guy air at every hour of the day and they are *beep* crazy with the least moral value possible.

I guess censorship has lightened up some in this country over the years, I remember when the show Married With Children was considered as the raunchiest show on TV and I wasn't supposed to watch it as a kid but did anyway of course(EDIT:Christina Applegate, was my fantasy girl at age 10-14). Looking back that show was nothing compared to TV now.

But the MPAA hasn't changed as much as TV.


Alicia Silverstone was never on Married With Children...perhaps you're thinking of Christina Applegate?


Duh I'm an idiot, wow my wires got crossed. Thanx for catching that.


"Maybe its just me, but i find that pretty dissapointing. I think at the very least the DVD/BD should be released with the uncut version of the film intact, not just with that scene as a bonus feature"
And when you spend several million dollars and open your own production co.,you can do things as you please.
Until then,just watch the *beep* show.
