No House or Wedding Gift!

I was shocked during the third season that "Miss", knowing full well that Dot and Hugh had no place to live after their marriage and that that was the reason why Hugh kept postponing the wedding, didn't give them the gift of a small house. I expected her throughout the eight episodes to do so and was terribly disappointed that it never occurred to her to help out her faithful Dot. But not as shocked as the lack of a substantial wedding gift. Yes, it was a last minute affair but had "Miss" given her a gift of money, Dot would have gratefully acknowledged it when she embraced her after the wedding.


I thought of that a bit too but perhaps we'll see something in the beginning of series 4, if there is one. Plus Hugh did get his promotion maybe that was a cultural line Phryne did not wish to cross for who they were as her friends.


I suspect that Hugh would not have accepted a house as a gift, being a conservative, proud man. Not to mention that Hugh & Dot would have wanted to select their own house, incl. the location.

Money would be a different thing, though. The gift, or lack of one, wasn't mentioned, so maybe that's left for Season 4. I hope there IS a Season 4!
