Lighting and cinematography

I am very impressed about the production values of this series especially the incredible lighting. I would love to see how they do it. They obviously use strong lights (I bet it is hot on the set), you rarely see shadows, yet it is very warm and illuminating. The outdoor scenes are especially gorgeous. Nicely done!


I don't know much about technical aspects of film, but I noticed the lighting and colors. Very much in keeping with the roaring 20s atmosphere. Smokey blue jazz clubs, intentional shadows to show a stranger approaching in dimly lit scenes, bright clear true colors for outdoor scenes, the beautiful colors (creams, whites, purples, blues, lavenders, rose, reds). Even the neutral colors aren't too muddy (unless it's just my tv). I love the way it's shot.


I think the whole thing is over lit. Mystery's should be darker IMO.


Oh, I'm so glad it's not.

I really detest the idea that a production *should be* shot in subdues tones, or greyed-out somehow. It's a known fact that the eye adjusts after a while, losing any effect (sharp shadows and angles can still be detected, but color becomes moot).

I'll never forget how disappointing it was to see, in Fellowship of the Ring, the elves' armour costumes in the prologue. I had already seen the costumes in a book and they were gorgeous. The filters ruined it all!

I want to see colors, not sepia.
