Season 2 Winter Special (Ep 13)

Watching it now, I do enjoy holiday specials.

Did this episode seem a bit anachronistic compared to the usual episodes to anyone else? Like the cozy sweaters on the men and Mac, and the furnishing on the building the episode takes place in seemed a bit off too. Another different thing I noticed was the sound. You could hear the sounds from all their actions more clearly than in past episodes (like the footsteps throughout the house) and an overall white noise one would hear in real life.

Not complaining, just wondering if this episode was prepared differently than the others. I don't have any knowledge about TV making.


Honestly, I thought it was the worst episode of the whole series. Christmas is summer in Australia, so they had to make up "Christmas in July" to pretend it was winter. The fake snow was comical. Everything was over the top and poorly done. I am sorry they felt compelled to make a "Christmas special" that felt normal to those of us in the northern hemisphere (cold and snowy) because it felt so forced.


they had to make up "Christmas in July"

They didn't make it up. Some people in the Northern hemisphere have fun with the idea of celebrating during the heat of summer.

Still, why not allow the true Australian seasonal weather? We don't *have to* see snow!


To be fair, in July (Australia's winter), you do get snow in the mountains in Victoria (the state Melbourne is located in). So it's not that far-fetched for them to be experiencing that kind of weather (but more on the anomalous side). You just wouldn't see snow in the city.

This was my least favorite episode but only because it was very dark without any payoff (for me). A serial killer who was kinda arbitrary with his targets. It was probably the one episode I wouldn't re-watch.


I had another problem with this episode. It just seemed unbelievable to me that they would misidentify a corpse just because they switched shoes. It was glossed over with the statement that the two men looked alike. That just wouldn't have happened.
