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Rand's Downfall Continues Through Part III

In an effort to further Ayn Rand’s message critiquing altruism and promoting the virtue of selfishness, rejecting all moochers who would dare claim your money by tears, the producers of the third Atlas Shrugged movie have launched a Kickstarter campaign asking for donations, predicated on reminding supporters of the critics who have hurt it. As reported earlier this year, despite the free market repeatedly determining it would rather not have any Atlas Shrugged movies, producers Harmon Kaslow and John Aglialoro boldly refused to relinquish their rational self-interests to a world that would dare take their ideas from them, chiefly by not paying to see them. And because of their indefatigable commitment to film Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? by the fall — and thus propagate its titular character’s manifesto to “never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine” — Kaslow and Aglialoro have turned to asking other men to give them $250,000.

Rand refused to be accountable for her actions, well evidenced in her work and with her followers.


...there you have it!

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


Now, I'm not one to worship at the altar of Rand but... you're being a tad unfair here. Kickstarter is far from a charity and the producers are not panhandling for money there. At Kickstarter they are offering value and leaving it up to the individual to decide if it is worth their time to invest.

Now, given that the last movie costed 10 million to make and their Kickstarter only accounts for 250,000.... I wouldn't be surprised if panhandling wasn't involved for the next 9,750,000 dollars of the budget.

No, middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less. -Mitt Romney


Yes, tyrshonor, I agree. Rand's philosophy doesn't prohibit people giving money to others. It's just that you're not supposed to be able to "guilt trip" or force others to give money. It's okay to be charitable if you want to be. The problem is that not many people want to be, and if we really followed that rule, a lot of people would starve. Including children and others who justifiably need help.

"Extremism in the pursuit of moderation is no vice."


They clearly couldn't convince anyone else to invest in the third movie, and since it's financial suicide to put your own money up (just look at how Curt Schilling had to sell off his stuff in the wake of 38 Studios' implosion), they're reduced to begging Randroids to give them handouts to make a movie that says Thou Shalt Not Give Moochers Handouts.


If they employed the government to aggressively coerce people to contribute to this film, I'd agree with you.

But there is nothing wrong with asking for help, nor with people willingly helping. Rand was never opposed to such things.

I can imagine that many people who want to see a Part III, and have an excess of disposable income, were more than willing to contribute to the "cause".

"De gustibus non est disputandum"


If someone gives you money for nothing, it's a handout no matter what. Howard Roark refused all handouts and became the world's greatest architect with nothing but his wits.


Howard Roark: I don't give or ask for help!

i can hardly wait to see the howard roark segment on the biography channel. will it be shown before or after the john galt episode?


Another cheap ass production with a hack director and grade-Z cast coming right up!


If someone gives you money for nothing, it's a handout no matter what. Howard Roark refused all handouts and became the world's greatest architect with nothing but his wits.

If it was for nothing. They get a film.

