MovieChat Forums > Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike (2012) Discussion > Atlas Shrugged II lost all good things a...

Atlas Shrugged II lost all good things about I, Casting, Sets. Design...

Atlas Shrugged II managed to tear appart all good things of Part I.
Was a good casting, a young cast plus a supporting cast of experienced actors. Most of the cast in AS I had now tv series, and leading rols.
If AS II had them, could had a better result in the box office.
Good sets (real and digital...). Good production designs. And also a good photography. Colors and shades, dark atmospheres were great in AS I, all lost in AS II.
Why so many mistakes?, changing a good first film?.
Just one example, Taylor Schilling had glamour in Part I. Samantha Mathis is just a good neighboor....The same with Grant Bowler... Jsu Garcia or Edi Gathegi....

And we may keep going...


there were good things in part 1?


have you seen AS II?


i've seen them both. i thought the second one was funnier than the first, even though it wasn't intentionally so. neither one quite reaches the "so bad it's good" level, but they're close.


The best thing about Part 1 was Taylor Schilling, a pretty and talented actress who's gone on to do better things with her career. It also had a few real actors like Michael Lerner, and Jon Polito. But as far as production, the sets and art direction looked like they were abandoned soap opera sets.


Look Atlas Shrugged ended up a loss ( no surprise considering the flooded market and well ..the subject) so part 2 was made with a lesser budget and they had to work with what they had...considering that I think they did as good as be as expected.
In a fair universe, we would all be better people.
