I've only seen Part 1 and only skimmed the novel on the basis that i've heard her and other's speak extensively on Objectivism so i don't feel compelled to read a 1000 + page book with a 70 page speech as its didactic conclusion, but...
1 - From a story point of view, I find it odd that she feels the idea of a "strike" by the capitalists to be utterly hilarious in that, such an action would invariably lead to the greatest socialist experiment in human history? it would instantly turn every mine, shop, warehouse, etc into a workers cooperative with worker's electing from their own ranks their manager's. I couldnt help at laugh (and I did laugh) at the hubris of these characters and the author who somehow thought without owners somehow the entire working class would just sit on their hands pining for them to return.
2 - The perspective in this film is so ideologically written, the idea is that government officials seem to just despise money and wealthy people simply for being wealthy, so much so that bogus safety concerns are raised by the State Institute of Science (because we're too dumb as an audience to follow along Rand's rabbit hole) for the sole reason to derail them...just because. In reality most of these concerns arent ever raised by the FDA or EPA but by PRIVATE consumer groups like Public Citizen.
3 - She obviously has no clue of how union organizing works, at some point she threatens a union delegate, saying if he'd dare 'force' the union members off the job, responding with "i'll ask for volunteers", I get the the idea of coercion she seems to think she's painting but its detached from reality; in the real world any strike would REQUIRE the approval of the membership, and any workers would be free to go back to work during a strike. Also any shop steward would be crazy to propose a serious industrial action to stop production without at least 70% approval, and with high skilled workers walking off as well. Not to mention that, depending on the militancy of the membership on the issue, it would be quite easy to halt a train from moving (70% to 90% of your workforce siting in front of it). Even her threat that the delegate would be denying them a paycheck isnt true, they could easily then strike on the job (slow production, work-to-rule,etc) and get a paycheck anyway, the transition to a strike if faced with retaliation.
I hope really bad that one day us socialists are blessed with a John Galt.
(I plan on seeing Part 2 when it hits the 3 dollar theater in Pasadena)
My dear fellow, the truth isn't quite the sort of thing one tells to a nice, sweet, refined girl
It's a fantasy. Not even a capitalist fantasy, since Rand had NO idea how to run a business. After all, she ended her life in genteel poverty, dependent on Social Security and Medicare.
And that's the world her followers want to inflict on the rest of us. Only without the safety net. No thanks.
1. The thing about the novel is that the Strikers are the competent ones, the creators. The novel basically says that the people who built things where the ones who ran the companies. So if they left, you'd still have some skilled labor, but no innovators or creators, no one to lead. If the workers were capable of running a business, they would, and then they'd strike out of ethics.
2. The people in the government didn't despise the wealthy for being wealthy, they despised the achievers because they weren't capable of achievement. So in trying take credit for achievement, they ultimately destroyed the product. The book doesn't really talk about wealth. It is really about achievement and capability.
So it would be like John Galt whisking away Ralph Nafziger and leaving the current corporate leaders of Hostess Twinkies to try and pick up where Nafziger left off.
Yes, they have some skill and knowledge. But do they have the creativity, the ingenuity, the ambition and drive to make it happen?
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Also , while to be part of the World with its people, pleasures and pains is better then running off to a island hideway to take part of an ego circle jerk where the group tells the world to sod off for not knowing how important they where.
Also, even if they thought up brilliant building and inventions.
Who is going to build it, bake their bread, grow their gardens and harvest their food.
Who is going to fish their seas, do all the little crappy jobs that is part of existance.
It'll be an island of Club Awesome with big plans, no common scense or laborers. ------------- In a fair universe, we would all be better people.
As clyon said, nothing about AS or its characters are models to follow. It's all a revenge fantasy: "The looters perish and we live" as Dagney says.
It's rich coming from Rand because she herself was a beneficiary of charity and generosity of others. She was supported by relatives when she first came to America, and got employed by Cecil B. DeMille when she had no record as a screenwriter or actress. Even her few years in post-revolution Russia were comfortably spent in universities. Other than odd jobs to support herself in Hollywood she never had to really work for a living.
A good leader appreciates and acknowledges the strong and brilliant that help create great entities and empires.
Sadly, so few leaders do this anymore. Of course, we ALL like to think we are valuable contributors, and many of us are. Rand acknowledged this herself in the book. Hell, why would Galt go out recruiting people to fill out his new society if it were just for the elite leaders with no one to lead?
It wasn't about CEOs running away to join the circus (though I acknowledge it had elements of a "revenge fantasy" which is why it apparently appeals to the short-sighted idiots running many companies today). But in truth, it was about people who do what they love, benefiting from the excellent fruits of their labor and minds.
The greatest muffin salesman is only as good as his muffin-maker...and vice-versa.
My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.
So it would be like John Galt whisking away Ralph Nafziger and leaving the current corporate leaders of Hostess Twinkies to try and pick up where Nafziger left off.
Yes, they have some skill and knowledge. But do they have the creativity, the ingenuity, the ambition and drive to make it happen?
Not to be confrontational, but this is a silly statement. There are literally millions of creative people out there who just don't have the money or the connections or the clout to explore that creativity or make money off of it.
I can't help but think of Steve Jobs. He was creative and ingenuity and helped to build Apple and made lots of money. But after he died, Apple didn't just shut down, it's still thriving without him. And sometime in the future there will be another guy just like him who will create something and make lots of money because creativity isn't restricted to a single generation.
If all the (established) creative people up and left, it would leave a void for people with equal or greater potential for creativity to flourish. I wonder how many potential Steve Jobs' we'll never hear about due to poverty, prejudice or place of birth.
Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.
But in the absence of Steve Jobs, didn't we also see Apple kind of flounder and fail for ten years between '86 & '96? It really all depends on the person leading the charge as well as the "soldiers' doing their job. I'm certain there could have been a better leader for Apple during those years. it took Steve jobs coming back to Apple with his creativity and vision to bring it back and make it stronger than ever.
I wonder if we'll soon see history repeat itself with its leaders resting on Jobs' laurels once again or whether the leaders now and in the future have what it takes to keep Jobs' creation flourishing.
We all have our particular skills and absolutely, there are a lot of folks out there with untapped potential. I can make a business profitable. I can keep employees happy. On paper. What I lack is the skills to manage people. I leave that to people who are better equipped to do so. So I direct. My managers manage.
The key, as it has always been throughout time, is to have the people using their strengths and building on them.. We're never going to run out of people with great skills and potential. But what we ARE running out of is the places to put them where their excellence is put to task, their potential challenged and compensating them accordingly.
My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.
The greatest muffin salesman is only as good as his muffin-maker...and vice-versa.
What makes you so sure? Do you know the Muffin Man? ;)
The muffin maker is easier to replace than the muffin CEO.
I think the producer strike is more similar to professional athletes going on strike, as both groups are among the elite. This is opposed to union workers who are all about equality, where everyone will do the same work for the same pay and the same benefits. The immediate effect of the strike of the elite is a lower quality product, but if given enough time, they would soon be replaced with others who have grown to be just as good. The problem is that the rules are still there, so the world still descends into the abyss.
Since Hostess has shut down, my Twinkees have been replace with Little Debbie Cloud Cakes, but they are not as good.
_______________ A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.
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Oh, rest assured I KNOW the Muffin Man! He lives on Drury Lane.
The muffin maker is easier to replace than the muffin CEO.
Not if the muffin-maker takes his top-of-the-line muffin recipe with him when he goes (Like John Galt taking his knowledge about the motor with him) Then all the Muffin CEO has is a bunch of pans and ingredients. Yes, he could hire another muffin-maker but he could go through fifty muffin-makers before he finds one with as great a muffin-maker as the one he lost.
And while muffing the muffin-making, he could lose many, many muffin-munchers in the process.
Kind of like trying to make a Batman movie after losing Burton and Keaton. You get Kilmers, Clooneys, O'Donnells and Silverstones before you get a Nolan/Bale.
Yes, you could get anyone to make a batter, throw it in muffin pans and bake a muffin. But you could also get any old person to sit at a desk, push the paperwork and direct people to do things in the muffin factory. Incompetence
Excellence is excellence. John Galt would be just as excited to bring a great CEO to Galt's Gulch as he would an excellent Muffin man.
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I saw a news segment a couple decades ago about a woman somewhere down south who was affectionately known as "Chicken Betty". She cooked the best fried chicken around. She even had her own loyal set of customers, who knew her schedule, and would show up just for her chicken. Sometimes she would get tired of working at the same restaurant, and start working at another local establishment. Sure enough, her customers would follow her there.
Granted, a plate of fried chicken may not be as revolutionary and Earth-shattering as Reardon metal or John Galt's power supply, but cooking the best fried chicken around is an accomplishment that deserves to reap whatever rewards the market will provide.
_______________ A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.
And a good restaurant owner would pay handsomely to keep her and her chicken there (like Dagny offered to Kellogg to 'write your own ticket" to keep him). A poor restaurateur would think "well...anyone can fry chicken".
Though this might be true of putting Chicken McNuggets into a basket and dropping them in a fryer until a timer beeps (a skill-level most deserving of that minimum wage), It takes a particular skill level to be the best around. And those who recognize it will pay for it because the rewards come back ten-fold.
Damn. I wanna try some of that Betty's chicken now.
And a muffin.
My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.
As such, this has a pre-teen's melodramatic worldview of how You are so important and irreplaceable that civilization will collapse the microsecond you remove yourself from the equation, when in reality someone would just slip in and fill the void.
You focus too much on the specifics of the story which is designed as more philosophical. To pick apart the specifics of "Atlas Shrugged" is like nitpicking over the details of "The Bible" or the "Terminator" series.
My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.
i think the problem is that you're nitpicking a tiny number of supposedly brilliant philosophical points from a massive, steaming pile of ridiculous specifics - not vice versa.
atlas shrugged is no deeper than your typical winnie the pooh book, not to mention less realistic than the hundred acre wood.
I heard about one Boston-based author who immediately put down and refused to read someone's Boston-set novel because Newbury Street was misspelled "Newberry" on Page 1.
I really have to say that this movie (both part 1 and 2 ) was the worst piece of anti-humanistic , McCartney inspired, ûber-Capitalist B.S. I have ever seen. Stupid to the point of funny. Keynes would have approved... but I like people helping people. Not people helping them selves. This film makes me proud NOT to be American
I really have to say that this movie (both part 1 and 2 ) was the worst piece of anti-humanistic , McCartney inspired, ûber-Capitalist B.S. I have ever seen. Stupid to the point of funny. Keynes would have approved... but I like people helping people. Not people helping them selves. This film makes me proud NOT to be American
Paul McCartney? I don't recall hearing any silly love songs in the movies.
_______________ A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.
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Seriously? OK, since you can't grasp it on your own:
-- “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” - So keep producing, but every penny you make over xxx dollars belongs to the state.
-- "If you've got a business, you didn't build that" - So any profit from your business needs to be handed out by the state, because it doesn't belong to you.
-- "I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody." - I seriously have to translate this for you? Whatever you earn is NOT yours. We need to take some of your money, and give it to this person over there, who can't produce anything on his own.
Wow. I guess our country is doomed. When the President of the United States makes comments like this, and people like you shrug. Wow.
at a certain point you've made enough money, is completely true. do you absolutely need that second or third billion dollars? you can't spend that much in your lifetime. nowhere in this quote does it say anything about giving away "excess" money to the state, or anyone else. if you want to add that on, that's your own paranoid addition, not part of the original.
the "you didn't build that" quote is similarly butchered. it simply says that any success an individual has is ultimately due to a team effort. bill gates is a rich man. but did he build the pcs that microsoft software runs on? no. did he build the roads that allowed the software to be delivered? no. did he even write the code for his company's product? no. he didn't build all that, he's ridden on the backs of many people to get where he is today. nothing in there about who owns any profits, either.
when you spread the wealth around it's obviously good for everybody. even industrialists as far back as henry ford understood this. is it "better" for an economy for a single person to have a million dollars or a thousand people to have a thousand dollars each? the multiplicative property of money will say the 1000x1000 situation produces a stronger economy. trickle down economics is a fraud of the highest order, but as someone famous once said, "the great masses of the people will more easily believe a great lie than a small one." and again, your interpretation is pulled out of thin air.
yeah, maybe the country is doomed if so many people can't understand even the clearest of comments by the president.
at a certain point you've made enough money, is completely true. do you absolutely need that second or third billion dollars? you can't spend that much in your lifetime.
WRONG. Why do you need more than $10,000 a year to live? John Wesley gave away to charity every penny he made over $10,000. Good for him, but is it my place to tell you to do the same? No. It doesn't matter if it's $10K or $100M, the principle does not change. No man has the right to tell another man how much he is allowed to earn. The looters are successful because they convince you they are looting that billionaire over there, and use envy to convince you it is OK, because you will never earn as much as him. Classic class warfare.
nowhere in this quote does it say anything about giving away "excess" money to the state, or anyone else. if you want to add that on, that's your own paranoid addition, not part of the original.
When you, just some guy on the Internet, tells me I am making too much money; it is just your opinion, right or wrong. You may want me to donate it to charity or whatever. When Obama said it, it was to justify the government taking the excess in taxes. These are called "trial balloons", to put the idea in people's heads that the money they earn IS NOT THEIRS, because it is so much more than what YOU earn.
Obama proposed the "Buffett Rule", specifically taxing the income of people who earn more than $1M a year. Even with the "progressive" income tax rates we have now, the most you pay is 40% of taxable income. What is the justification for taxing millionaires ON TOP OF that 40%? Two words: Class envy. You don't NEED that money, so we in the government are going to take it from you and give it to the people that WE THINK need it. Why is this so hard to see?
the "you didn't build that" quote is similarly butchered. it simply says that any success an individual has is ultimately due to a team effort. bill gates is a rich man. but did he build the pcs that microsoft software runs on? no. did he build the roads that allowed the software to be delivered? no. did he even write the code for his company's product? no. he didn't build all that, he's ridden on the backs of many people to get where he is today. nothing in there about who owns any profits, either.
I would have loved to have Bill Gates make his billions on my back, I would be a retired millionaire today. Bill Gates CREATED vast amounts of wealth. Why do you envy him? How many millionaires have you created in your lifetime?
Again, this is not just an intellectual discussion. Combined with Elizabeth Warren's speech, the Democrats are planting the idea in people's minds that the ONLY reason a business is successful is because of roads, bridges, and fire departments. If that's true, why isn't everyone successful? I have roads, bridges, and fire departments at my disposal, why don't I have a profitable factory?
Elizabeth Warren said, "Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea? God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along." How nice of her. Who is going to implement this social contract? Do you seriously think she expects the business owner to set up a business loan program? Of course not, the STATE is going to step in, take even more in taxes from that company, and in theory, create more businesses in the future.
The factory owner in her example already PAID the taxes to build and maintain those roads, bridges, and fire departments; a lot more than the guy next door. He also paid taxes for gas and everything else. His taxes made it possible for EVERYONE ELSE in the neighborhood to enjoy new roads and bridges. But now, because he still made a profit, Warren and Obama want to come in and take some more of his profits. Why? Because he still has money. Profit is evil, and must be punished.
when you spread the wealth around it's obviously good for everybody. even industrialists as far back as henry ford understood this. is it "better" for an economy for a single person to have a million dollars or a thousand people to have a thousand dollars each? the multiplicative property of money will say the 1000x1000 situation produces a stronger economy. trickle down economics is a fraud of the highest order, but as someone famous once said, "the great masses of the people will more easily believe a great lie than a small one." and again, your interpretation is pulled out of thin air.
At least you don't deny that Obama said "spread the wealth". You seemed determined to ignore Obama's actual words and what they clearly mean. So, was Obama saying that millionaires should give away their money on their own, or was he planning to have the Federal government do it for them?
If spreading the wealth around worked, the Soviet Union would still exist; and along with China, Cuba, and North Korea, their economic plans would have left us behind in the dust. They have wonderful redistribution plans to share the misery equally. Why does communism fail? Because it punishes the wealthy, and drags them down to the level of their fellow man. It is not your PLACE to tell a wealthy man, or any man, what to do with his money. Why on earth are you so willing to let Obama turn this country into another socialist failure? Why?
I think it's probably more like it's better to inconvenience some rich people than let other people suffer. If Objectivists want to be taken seriously, they really need to stop with all this false dilemma BS. Just because one does not worship businessmen as gods does not mean that one thinks that they are demons. Just because I don't believe that one's success is based 100% on his own efforts, does not mean that I believe he did nothing.
Again, this is not just an intellectual discussion. Combined with Elizabeth Warren's speech, the Democrats are planting the idea in people's minds that the ONLY reason a business is successful is because of roads, bridges, and fire departments.
Why do you exclude enforcement of private property, contracts and intellectual property? Those things, as Objectivists prefer them, don't exist in the "natural order". This is where Objectivism basically refutes itself. It tries to portray Capitalism as a natural order that the evil government corrupts, but at the same time, it insists the government is necessary for that order to exist. They admit the collective helps the individual, but the collective can't ask for anything in return. Owning certain resources can affect others negatively. I don't think it's too extreme for ownership to come with some strings attached.
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I didn't exclude anything. I have never heard an Objectivist or a Libertarian claim that we don't have a need for private property, contracts, and intellectual property, or the need for some state agency to protect those rights. A contract is a way for you and I to cement a deal between us, I sell you coal for XXX dollars. One necessary evil of the state is the means for me to sue you when you don't comply with the terms of the contract. The only issue with contracts that Ayn Rand mentions is when people are forced to sign contracts that are not mutually beneficial, like when Hank Rearden refuses to sell to the State Science Institute.
If I want to enforce a contract, I need a neutral third party (the court, the state, etc.) to settle disputes between parties. Having to pay a small amount of tax to have that system to protect me is reasonable. Objectivism, and Libertarianism, is not about Anarchy and no government. We don't advocate privatizing the courts, the police, the fire department (Roads? Maybe.) It is about just enough government to do the job.
All that aside, that has nothing to do with what Elizabeth Warren and Obama are saying. Liz is saying the owner of a business has an obligation to give something back to the "people" for use of roads, bridges, and fire depts. I point out that the owner of a business has ALREADY paid for those roads, bridges, and fire departments through taxes; and paid a larger share than the guy in the same neighborhood who owns one house and one car. What she wants is to come back around and demand MORE, after the fact, because the business owner still has money in his pockets. That is evil. That is piracy. The only surprise is that Democrats are now being open about what they want, they used to be more subtle about it.
Cigar Doug, once upon a time the country had food and gas rationed during wartime. That was considered patriotic.
But this isn't about a time of war. This is about the socialists like Elizabeth Warren telling you that even though your taxes paid for the roads, the bridges, and the fire department, because you dare to make a profit, the profit belongs to someone else. It is pure evil. In the mind of statists like Warren and Obama, all the money you make belongs to the government. All of it. It is only by the kindness of their hearts that they let you keep any of it.
North Korea operates this way, so does Cuba and the former Soviet Union. Do you believe that their system is one you want to live under?
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Nice posting. Don't waste your time on phantom. S/he is a lightweight intellectual poseur.
Quite true, but my replies are not for her. We must refute these "arguments" when they come up, otherwise other people reading them will swallow them. Every argument by the statist is easily destroyed by facts and logic, but our propaganda media won't discuss it. So we must.
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i don't play the "when obama says x he really means y" game since he never follows up the x-statements with y-type actions.
Quite true, when he said, "If you like your doctor or your plan, you can keep it", he never meant it. More people have lost their insurance plan (myself included) than new people have recieved insurance. Just think about that. We are spending billions of dollars to end up with a net LOSS of people with insurance. Even though five million enrollees is an inflated number, only one-fifth of them did not have insurance in the first place.
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this is pure fiction. how do you come up with such nonsense?
Easy. I watch sources other than CNN and MSNBC. There is a whole world of media sources that are not propaganda arms of the Obama administration. Don't believe me, look for yourself. Careful, it might make your carefully constructed fantasy world crumble.
....and relying on already-outdated data, apparently.
everybody knows the program has had a very rough start, and that most republican governors are doing everything in their power to sabotage the system.
how about some more current information? how many billions have been spent on it so far?
it would have been smarter politically to let people keep their current plans, but allow them to get additional insurance to bring them up to whatever the standard is.
In the 1970's a group of people moved to Colorado in an attempt to create a Galt's Gulch. It failed miserably, and this group returned to their SoCal communities.
Rand sets up this silly ideological scenario of a Galt's Gulch, where isolating oneself from the, "real world," will effect change. It's nothing more than, "I'm unhappy with the world the way it is, so I'm taking my toys and going to my room."
(And by the way, don't tell me not to smoke, or give up drugs, or have affairs, it's my right ... . Rand was not only on the high end of narcissism, she was more than likely a sociopath.)