So when was Odin replaced?

Was its after the guard reported finding a body? Or was Odin really Loki the entire time? And the Loki that was with Thor was a magical duplicate?


Was its after the guard reported finding a body?


Or was Odin really Loki the entire time?


And the Loki that was with Thor was a magical duplicate?

No. His duplicates have no mass so they can't be touched/dissipate when they are touched.


I was wondering about the Loki/Odin switch as well.
So they found Loki's body or was he the one saying they found a body? (Was he even stabbed or what?)

Also, where is Odin then at the end of the movie (locked up or dead)?


Loki (as the guard) said they found a body. It is implied that it was Loki's.

Loki had been stabbed by the Kursed after he'd stabbed the Kursed in the back.

We don't know yet when Odin was replaced or how he was replaced. It is supposed to be answered in the next movie.


The answer is really simple. Loki either usurped Odin soon after Loki approached Odin while disguised as the guard or Loki usurped Odin within the two-day interim between Malekith's death and Odin/Loki's conversation with Thor at the end of this movie. Either way, Loki usurped Odin after he faked his death but it's unknown whether it happened before or after Malekith's death.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I thought that was what I said, but ok. 
